Here again is conventional thinking shaped by so many years of living under medical advice turning to pharmaceutical synthetic chemicals as an answer and being oblivious to what might be in phytonutrient sources from nature, even as a part of ordinary diet, let alone more exotic nonfood sources that can be grown and extracted for very valuable medicinal agents. The assumption they are useless means they can only be either neutral or harmful, so the focus becomes, "What might they do that is a disadvantage?" If not frank toxicity of the constituents on their own, there is quite a lot of concern about cross-interactions with things like prescription drugs. While this is understandable given the problem of polypharmacy where it is the order of the day that many prescription drugs do not get along with one another, to play nice in the body, but interfere or perhaps compound a downside to create a frank increase in toxicity, this is much less likely to happen with nutraceutical ingredients.
The fact that some will influence things like prescription drug bioavailability, resonance time in the circulation before being cleared metabolically, and so on, makes the medical mainstream skeptical of nutraceuticals to begin with. Their assumption is highly flawed in assuming there is little there of value so there can only be a downside, and if there are any reported influences in causing a loss of effectiveness, and thus needing a higher dose of a prescription agent, they would rather forbid the patient taking the nutraceutical than take time titrating a better and adequate dose that allows the nutraceutical adjunct for whatever intended purpose to be taken as well, and thus have a win-win situation. There is little patience and, in fact, much subliminal discouragement in the medical minds about nutraceuticals, so there will often be uncooperative doctors summarily discouraging their use and will seize on any perceived flaw as damning, given they see it as an encroachment, based on false beliefs.
The opposite is true. Embracing nutraceuticals is a much-needed sea change that will make everything better eventually, because it is our plan to provide human needs across the board, and that includes health maintenance and healing. The reason people have found useful phytonutrients for many maladies is for the very reason helpful medicinal chemicals of all kinds were put in nature by us, to be discoverable and there for you in a safe form, and, in most cases, when you have the right sources and combinations, you will have all you need in a much safer strategy than making and testing synthetic chemicals could bring about.
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