DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersOne of the reasons an atheist might cite for why they don’t believe in God, or at the very least a “loving God,” is the huge number of noxious species of microbial, plant, and animal life on this planet. There are so many that it is practically impossible to catalog them all, and new ones are being discovered on literally a DAILY basis. Scientists estimate the average somewhere between 40-55 new species are discovered each day. Certainly, a percentage of those could be labeled “noxious,” in that they are harmful to humans in some way, either directly or indirectly, through attacking another plant or animal species that is beneficial to humans. Of the 40-55 new species discovered each day, what rough percentage are truly NEW-to-Earth species that have been introduced just in the last decade? How big is this problem, and how long has it been going on? What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 15 hours ago
We can tell you that roughly 10% of newly discovered species are, in effect, new. Since the introduction of humanity, the die-off rate is quite large these days with respect to the number of species that are known. So given the attrition rate, for a variety of reasons, the human footprint on the planet and the consequences of choices made that affect the environment is a significant factor in pressuring some species and even leading to their extinction. But we can tell you that, contrary to what the environmentalists would tell you, the majority of extinction events across the board are a consequence of the workings of the Extraterrestrial Alliance wanting to constrain, subjugate, and suppress human growth and success in all respects, and even to end you as a species, as the decision has been made to carry out a broadscale annihilation of humanity. What that means for other life forms will then be left up to the alien interlopers and their whims. So, this is a much more complicated picture than one might assume. We have introduced some new species as a counterbalance for what has been disparaged, but again, because of free agency and free will, we do not have a free hand to do anything we choose, unilaterally. Although the intentions of the Extraterrestrial Alliance are uniformly always dark and have evil intentions to work against the interests of humanity, that does not mean we can stand in their way and override things they have implemented that are harmful. It is the same with humans and the criminals among you. Contrary to religious true believers, we cannot smite the evildoers, countermand their choices, deflect the bullets each and every time, and prevent any harmful consequences at least to those deserving because of their divine alignment. That is a pretty picture, and utopian in its simplistic perspectives, but not reflecting reality. The truth of things is, you are in a crucible where everything is up for grabs and highly uncertain until it is ultimately resolved by the balance of forces coming to bear, good or bad. When bad outweighs good you are in decline and vice versa. At the present time, the immediate effects of energies are more to the negative than positive, but the long-term objectives are being supported more by good objectives than bad because the extraterrestrials have not yet pulled the trigger to launch an annihilation. In fact, they are expected to withdraw for a considerable period of time to take a break from their heavy-handed presence, in working to manage almost everything taking place on your world, indirectly, at least. So this is a situation in a state of flux. Statistical information we give you is thus subject to change, unlike natural forces and events that have long-term trends, for the most part, and so can be quantitated and defined, at least to some degree, to get a sense of where things have been and where they might be heading. Indeed, you are raising these issues because the events that stand out are, for the most part, newly emerging problems that are being introduced, tactically, by external forces and are not natural to start with. So this is certainly a worthwhile arena to explore to better understand why the world is the way it is. It is perfectly understandable, in that connection, why so many doubt or have frankly given up on religion because the world is so uneven, there are so many challenges that seem nondivine, and many harsh actions and events, natural and unnatural, that call into question whether the divine is alive and well, if it ever existed at all. Our defense is, for the most part, that you are in this crucible for a good reason. It is a test of whether greater latitude can be bestowed on our creations to not have them heavily constrained by the Law of Karma, receiving a kind of punishing correction at times and always a correction whenever they are out of alignment, even to a small extent. We wanted to relax the rules to allow greater freedom, greater breathing room, more opportunities for risk-taking, for bold initiatives, and experimental testing of the boundaries in order to make things more dynamic, more vibrant, and create new opportunities for a more rapid and deeper expansion across the board for activities of all kinds, although hopefully, not of an evil sort. The problem of evil that arose was because the brakes were eased through changing the setpoint for the Law of Karma so that greater latitude was allowed, and this did allow things to go off the rails, so to speak, and a rise of evil to happen. When a group of angelics, wanting to benefit from their greater freedom and greater power, became enamored of serving their ego too greatly, this became a slippery slope leading to a fall from grace from which they have not yet recovered. That has contaminated all of the beings within your galaxy directly or indirectly. Because you were created to solve this problem, you now must grapple with all that has happened. So the most important thing about your first question, we would say, is the faithful need to keep the faith and simply work on the problem and not be passively waiting for God to fix everything. Under the rules of engagement, these are your problems to contend with, your problems to fix, and if you want our help you must ask. So the value of your questions is quite real in the sense that people need to know things are not going as planned, but to make changes for the better you must have sufficient understanding, and then request assistance in a meaningful way with a certain degree of specificity about what you want as well as knowledgeability about how we do divine healing interventions. This is what GetWisdom is bringing forward and if you pay attention to the divine wisdom they obtain, and put it to use, you will be contributing to the solution and not simply being a sufferer. There, indeed, are a huge number of species from all classes of life forms that are not native and natural to the Earth ecosystem but were introduced for malevolent reasons by the interlopers to be a scourge, harm human beings and restrict your future.