DWQA QuestionsCategory: Channeling PitfallsNewspapers have recently attacked the Bible with headlines like “the Bible got it wrong: ancient Canaanites survived and their DNA lives in modern-day Lebanese.” This refers to God’s call for the annihilation of the Canaanites and so the New York Times infers that the Bible is in error because Canaanite DNA still persists, so they would have had to survive. But it has been pointed out that the New York Times never read the Bible because it actually says that Israelite commanders let the Canaanites live, so there is no discrepancy here. What we would like to know is whether the Bible is actually correct in quoting God as wanting the destruction, saying, “You shall not leave alive anything that breathes. But you shall utterly destroy them.” Could this be an example of early spiritual leaders channeling imposters pretending to be God as is still rampant today?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This is a clever insight that speaks very much to the issue before you now. The extraterrestrial presence, as you have seen and know to be true, extends back many thousands of years, far earlier than biblical times. So the problem of having an honest representative is universal and has occurred again and again down through the ages. There have been many, many, false prophets, false seers, and false channelers of divine messages. These have served to misdirect and misguide many, many, generations of humans across the ages. It is indeed an age-old problem and this creates a convenient example, for as is quite evident from the subject at hand, the message attributed to God of wanting wholesale mass slaughter of a group of people is hardly in keeping with the messages of love you have been given and the many, many, injunctions against taking lives through one's own hands for any reason. So this is a perfect illustration of how corrupt messages come forth and are believed and are taken at face value and carved in stone, so to speak. The interesting twist and further insight here is that the Israelites were perceptive enough and spiritual enough on their own to see the folly of this injunction and were themselves more loving and more forgiving and more humane than God was described as being. This is yet another tipoff that the story is false in some way, and in this case a major way, but yet serves for all time as a beacon of truth depicting the constant struggle of humans to find their way when corrupted by their leadership, including the spiritual leaders of the day. But yet humanity is still going, and this is in fact a testament to the independence and the divine link that still lives within the human heart, and allows some at least to rise above the manipulation and think independently. This has never been needed more so than right now and will be a true test for humanity in whether they can continue to prevail or will be overcome by the extraterrestrial cabal, which continues to mislead and dupe channelers and others with false spiritual messages today. They are not messages of revenge or punishment, they in fact are the opposite messages of encouragement, and proposing focus solely on positive things and to reject any discord, the net effect of which is to misdirect people away from real and urgent problems needing attention and more than simple sayings or affirmations to surmount them.