DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolMy student [name withheld] comments: “After some time I figured out I could ask Creator to help me get the assistance of 20 people that the spirit is affecting, and help them by getting them to include their freewill for wanting to override the free will of the person keeping the soul earthbound.” Is that a useful strategy others can use and perhaps be incorporated in the Protocol?
Nicola Staff asked 6 years ago
This is another way of getting a focused intention to promote the healing and support the reach. It is very akin to healing methodology that talks with the cells of the body to give them encouragement and give them instructions to carry out. This he is describing will help alert the physical body itself that there is an outside influencer interacting and to be on guard, and to be aware of this so it can repel any advances. This is an added nuance that can be of value, but in actuality, is not truly needed when the divine realm is doing the healing. This is an example of a practitioner using their own reach and their own initiative to take action unilaterally as opposed to letting the divine realm do all of the work needed. So we do not mean to criticize, but are rightly pointing out there is a difference between inviting the divine realm to do healing in a way they know to be highest and best and the practitioner, at times, jumping in to carry out some action and putting their own energy to work to bring something about that is not truly a part of the Protocol. That may not hurt things and may work just fine, and not be a liability, but when the Protocol is implemented with all of its steps with belief in a positive outcome, there will not be a need for the practitioner to do things unilaterally. So although creative, this step is truly not essential. If the practitioner believes it to be, then the divine realm must stand aside until the practitioner fills in the perceived gap before allowing further assistance because the divine realm must always follow what the practitioner desires to happen. It is the humans that are the choke point as well as the springboard, so this goes both ways—humans can add significantly to the overall success of the outcome, they can hold it back and reduce the effectiveness, and they can intrude into the session by taking the bull by the horns, so to speak, by themselves, but then must bear the burden until they stand down and let the divine realm continue with subsequent steps of the Protocol. This can be rewarding for people to feel the involvement and know they played an important role beyond simply repeating a list of words to say, but that may not be highest and best for the client. In this example, there can be a benefit by having the client’s consciousness participate to some extent through its awareness of the purpose behind each step and to chime in, so to speak, and take part from their end. This can add to the energy and has little downside.