DWQA QuestionsCategory: Animal IssuesMy client’s cats have started vomiting in the basement again, after they started doing so on the hardwood floors as wanted for easy clean-up, following the DSMR work we did. Why are they vomiting so often to begin with, and why did the healing not last?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
The vomiting is a symptom of karmic discord within the animal, not an organic illness per se that might warrant veterinary care. So it is not normal, but is not any significant threat to their well-being. In a sense, it is nature taking care of disharmony within, by purging. It may not be fully effective, but is helpful to the animal to be doing something in the face of an increase in the inner negativity the animal is responding to. So this does create a nuisance. The gains that were observed following commencement of your DSMR work with the animals were real. The slippage is due to the cats reverting to natural instinct and a pattern of prior learned and conditioned behavior as to what is in the personal space of the clan and what are the outer perimeters one can use for something negative to leave behind. You suspected this might be a tall order at the outset to undo, and that is proving correct. We will revisit the issue with them to see if we can help to recondition them to a new way of reacting to their environment, but this is indeed going against the grain as they regard that area of the home living space shared with their humans. So it is only natural to seek a more distant location not heavily trafficked for their purging. Time will tell.