DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlMy client, who you say is being targeted with a directed energy weapon to cause her arm and back pain, has coronary artery disease. This pain has the same characteristics as unstable angina, as the pain often happens when she is at rest, wakes her up unexpectedly at night, and is difficult to suppress with the usual anti-angina medicines, etc. As such, it may cause an over-aggressive medical response that could backfire. Is there truly such a thing as unstable angina, or are such cases all caused by interloper manipulation of people’s nerves directly, knowing this will mimic cardiac symptoms and cause fear and possibly dangerous medical treatments?
Nicola Staff asked 11 months ago
You are correctly perceiving there can be a red herring, in effect, from having the more erratic and unpredictable symptoms of unstable angina. That is a legitimate medical condition, but we would say, approximately 10% of the time it is a false diagnosis and truly represents outside interference through targeting by the Extraterrestrial Alliance to punish particular individuals in a way that will mimic a physical malady. That provides, at once, a cover story to not arouse suspicion there might be something sinister going on, as well as causing the victim to be subjected to costly, inconvenient, and sometimes dangerous medical interventions that always have a potential downside. Here, too, if there are side effects and even a lethal outcome, the interlopers will be quite happy because their whole agenda is to harm humanity. The bulk of patients diagnosed with unstable angina have their more unusual symptom presentations as a consequence of what differing levels of the mind are engaged with. So, for example, someone not only at rest but in deep sleep can be awakened by sudden angina symptoms, and this seems perplexing given a presumed absence of physical demand that could put a strain on cardiac performance, as well as an absence of stress. But that is a naïve assumption on both counts, because of what the deep subconscious, for example, might be wrestling with during sleep from severe trauma taking place on other timelines and being a source of direct concern to the patient's deep mind. And this will induce a stress response physiologically, including elaboration of stress hormones, accompanied by a rise in blood pressure, much like a person who is going into battle. So this creates a somewhat enigmatic clinical picture but is simply a consequence of karma playing out through the body, and its responses to an onslaught of negativity, not perceived consciously, but through deeper levels of the mind. This can originate within cellular consciousness as well.