DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersMy client, [name withheld], writes: “I still see the blue splashing lights opening at the front of me. Could we ask Creator to help with information?” She is very afraid she is getting more spirit attachments. What is this happening?
Nicola Staff asked 5 years ago
This, as we indicated in the prior questions you asked about her, is a spirit manifestation. It is a kind of display they are using to taunt her and heckle her in the hopes that her fear will be great enough to weaken her defenses. She simply needs to practice ignoring this entirely. It is no different than passing a homeless person on the street not knowing whether they are a harmless derelict or someone in disguise creating a false opportunity to engage someone and arouse sympathy when they intend to rob them perhaps, or worse. Everyone needs to be tough under some circumstances and steel themselves from letting their emotions run away with them. Hers is a most unusual situation with respect to her keen intuitive sensing, so it is that lack of familiarity, especially in the context of what she has endured in punishment from such an unconventional source. And this is setting her on edge and is quite understandable, but she will need to learn to accept this as a commonplace occurrence that does not mean she is truly at risk unduly, and can do just fine ignoring it altogether knowing she will be kept safe. This does not mean she is getting more spirit attachments, it is simply an overture, a kind of threat from a distance although it seems to be right in front of her, but that is the point—to create alarm in the hopes she will crumble. This need not happen if she stands strong.