DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolMy client [name withheld] asks: “Reflecting on how I do in life, especially with trying people, resulting in emotional ups and downs, but also with regard to my hips and shoulders still, I sense that I need more work with you – what would you recommend?” What can we tell him about further help?
Nicola Staff asked 6 years ago
We understand you are expecting that the new version of the Protocol will be the answer for him. That indeed will be the case but will take much time. His problems run very deep and while this is unfortunate, it is all too typical of many individuals who you will be dealing with and wishing to help. It is unfortunate, to be sure, that so many are so impaired by the huge backlog of negativity they have experienced, but such is the lot in life for those who volunteer to work for the light. This is not an easy enterprise and what he is experiencing is a good demonstration of this. It is frequently the case that lightworkers who come again and again and accept the slings and arrows hurled at them by the darkness while they attempt helping humanity, and have consequences lifelong and over multiple lifetimes, as a consequence of the harm they endure. It is not the intention nor the consequence of inadequacy or failure in any respect, it is simply the nature of things. It is no different than a soldier going into battle against a powerful foe, understanding they may take a direct hit or may have something explode nearby, and suffer shrapnel wounds. There are many possible scenarios and the accumulated harm does require healing to follow up and take care of things to regain full realignment. Coming into life, the lightworker cannot make that the highest of priorities. In most cases, effective healing is not available, so it would be wasted effort to make that the sole focus of the incarnation, which, in any event, would not happen for almost all incoming souls because only a rare individual has any higher awareness of their history, what is at stake, and what the possibilities hold for their betterment. You have the clearest picture yet of what is involved here. Many do appreciate the past has a hold on us, on everyone, and why, but still do not appreciate the magnitude of that influence. This is not meant to discourage but only put in perspective why this is not a simple matter to simply clear out all in one fell swoop and transform people into perfection rather quickly. That rarely happens because most people are still very much behind the curve with a huge backlog of unmet need that will take many years, in fact, to trim away. This is the basis for our projection of needing 40 more years to heal all of humanity. Even assuming many new Lightworker Healing Protocol practitioners will be appearing on the scene by your recruitment efforts to add strength to the healing effort, this figure will hold despite the most optimistic outcome of that recruiting and it is simply because of the size of the problem, not the limitations of the Divine. It is the obstacles imposed by the humans themselves being so out of alignment, and in ways that often tie the hands of the would-be divine healer coming to assist, but often unable to advance as fully in a particular session because of the many inner roadblocks people have put in place within their psyche.