DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaMy client is still wanting to know why his young daughter passed away. Despite being born with physical and cognitive impairments, their prayers seemed to be making progress towards healing. What do the parents need to do in order to heal?
Nicola Staff asked 10 months ago
He and his dear wife are experiencing severe grief and that is quite understandable. Grief is often felt in proportion to the level of love that has come before, and been invested in the departed soul. So it is quite understandable that these two, bighearted and loving parents, who have devoted themselves to the care of this challenged young girl who struggled from pre-birth all the way to age 5, have strong love bonds in place. The thing to keep in mind here is that she would have exited much earlier without that love to keep her going. That was a gift, not a hindrance in any way. Her presence with you and your wife was also a gift, and that is the way to think of it. She was bringing love to you in a more indirect way because of her communication limits, but you felt it, and saw it in her eyes and in her smile. Love reinforces the love of others and will draw more and more love from them over time. That is not a temporary energy, but actually builds a bridge between the giver and recipient, a bridge that is just as strong and massive as a steel bridge across a river, when the love is strong enough. And that was the case here, that all parties are extraordinary individuals. Your daughter, despite what she told you about her past history, was her true self in her recent incarnation with you, although impaired by her karmic past. That is what enabled it to be a healing lifetime and she certainly came to the right family to accomplish that. So the strength of the love bonds is not only understandable but an imperative goal of the exercise on all sides. It addresses many karmic needs, but that does not come without a price, that of building that bridge. The problem with the daughter departing from the physical is that it left a gap with her no longer being present and her energy felt directly, accompanied by all of the sensory input of the daily caregiving and feedback. You and your wife are still going to the bridge, but it feels now like there is no destination and that will block the love, in the moment at least, and create a kind of anguish because it feels unrequited. That is an inevitable consequence of the change in the energetics. The immediacy of love feelings from another human being quite depends on their being in the physical. Once back in spirit form, especially in the higher astral plane, the energy will be of a different quality and intensity, and as well, of course, will lack all of the physical attributes, behavioral cues and associations where just the sight, the smell, the touch of another turns up the love motor. When love has nowhere to go, seemingly, this turns into anguish and can take many forms. It is still early yet. There needs to be more healing for that human-level need, to be replaced through a kind of reconciliation. That takes time and will be assisted with divine help, as requested. So this is the underlying mechanism explaining why you are still plagued by doubts whether something fell through, whether something that needed to happen did not take place, something you could have done, either one or the both of you, to keep her going longer and even achieve your dream of a greater awakening of her abilities to become normal and have a normal life span. Nothing you did or did not do, was a factor in her decision to leave. What took place was that she was reckoning with the enormity of her karma and the reality from the beginning was, it was very unlikely to be healed within a single life under the best of circumstances. That is how enormous the karma behind her incapacity truly was, although we always give encouragement as that enables many gains. It is important for you to know and appreciate that a tremendous amount of true healing happened, nonetheless, and without both you and your wife, five years could not have happened at all. It is easy to take for granted that it happened, given the greater goal in your hearts and minds for a continuation of survival and gaining ground you hoped for. We can tell you that what you and your daughter experienced was truly miraculous. What the two of you did was truly extraordinary, for which she will be forever grateful.