DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious ChannelingMy client asks: “Last Sunday I received my second subconscious channeling from you. At first, I felt a sense of relief to hear the stories of my parallel/past life from my deep subconscious mind but over the last days, this actually turned into a feeling of grief, sadness, and confusion. Is this normal and part of the healing process? What can I best do to shift this?” What is happening and what can we tell her?
Nicola Staff asked 5 years ago
This does happen to some who receive healing as there can be some stirring of the pot along the way. This will resolve on its own and need not be a longer-term concern. When there are changes that persist for a prolonged period, this is likely more due to new issues coming to the foreground seeking healing—this will happen as well as a consequence of a healing outreach. It is not that healing fell short or that it caused harm along the way, it is simply a consequence of opening the floodgates to the embattled deep subconscious who begins to see help can be provided in this way and may be more active than before in summoning such help by sending up the chain very troubling emotions to get the attention of the conscious mind and recruit further assistance. That is what is happening here, it is not a carryover from the dark doings of the other traumas for which healing help was obtained before. The message and the conclusion here can be one of reassurance and encouragement to keep going if that is feasible.