DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mercenary Army Program (SSP)My client asks: “Have the hundreds of sessions I’ve done, and keep doing, on the Reptilians who run the MAP program, and the many sessions done on the MAPers also by other practitioners, begun to show some tangible results in taking some steam out of this program, as well as to unwind the relationship between the Reptilians in charge and the human recruits? Can you describe for us the current state of affairs in the program and give us other insights and recommendations towards that goal?”
Nicola Staff asked 5 years ago
Your work is having a tangible effect. It is diminishing the zeal for the various agenda items that have been envisioned for the involvement of the MAP in human affairs. There is always a list of possible interventions, manipulations, incursions, and major mischief on the drawing boards. The scheme is one of using targets of opportunity, meaning that they wait until there is an entrée presented by humans dropping their guard, of creating a juxtaposition, of having a vulnerability that would allow something to be done to cause harm that would be a particular insult or disruption in human plans. Humans are always available as targets, so it is not that many things can’t be done and selected among on any given day. The game is such that there needs to be a sweetener, something of extra special spice that allows the extraterrestrials to gloat all the more that not only were they able to punish humans, but think of a very clever way to do so—that is the reason for the Notre Dame Cathedral attack just prior to Easter Sunday. So given this flexibility and somewhat random approach to interfering in human affairs, this allows the divine realm to weigh in at frequent intervals and alter the perspective of the plans being contemplated and shift thinking just enough to keep them on the back burner, so to speak, for some time longer. Eventually, some may be crossed off the list because the window of opportunity has passed to be of high interest, and then they will move on to new targets. Half the fun for them is the planning and anticipation. If the target loses appeal, and this can be through divine intervention, they are content to eliminate that from consideration as there are always many others lined up. In this way, there can be a number of changes in what happens and overall bring about a reduction in the severity and scope of damage done by the operations as a whole. That is an excellent beginning in helping humanity survive this difficult period when you are under siege in earnest by superior forces. We encourage you to keep going, that is the key, to not slacken but maintain the pace. It is working and it will continue to work. The divine is always able to do things. It is a question of when and how much we can intervene as a function of the human intention making the requests. The more you do, the more intention is added to the effort, and the more we can accomplish on your behalf. It is simply an energetic equation in play and, in that respect, is highly predictable. Even though the situation is volatile, and always uncertain with regard to specifics, having the divine realm brought to bear will make a difference and a tangible improvement in things. We applaud your efforts and this will stand for all time as the greatest of human achievements.