While the latter is true, that you have made some karmic gains in continuing to shoulder the burden of the suffering involved here, your first assumption you saw intuitively, is the correct interpretation for the timing here. The particular issues of greatest concern were triggering cellular consciousness within the body, and it was that repository plaguing you with recurring symptoms unrelentingly, and needed special attention. While that work was ongoing as a part of the Lightworker Healing Protocol process, your clearing of karmic issues from deep subconscious channeling with trauma resolution cleared the way for things to resolve to a significant degree and you noticed that immediately with the empowered protocol you have recently put in place. And that was the key piece needed to further cement in the healing for the cellular memory component. The deeper reach of the enhanced trauma resolution process was just what was needed to speed things up and achieve healing for enough prior trauma events and effect a way that would have taken a number of additional sessions to achieve otherwise. We knew that would be coming because it was in the future timeline being projected forward, and that you would innovate this enhanced protocol and use it to good advantage. That is why we encouraged you to not be worried about the continued severe symptoms and that there was no reason to invest the time and money in doing physical therapy when a turning point would be coming within about a month or so, and that is exactly what has taken place, as predicted.
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