DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human InstitutionsMilton Erickson’s mentor eventually left the University of Wisconsin for Yale University. This is from Wikipedia: “After moving to Yale, his work in hypnosis quickly encountered resistance. The medical school’s concern over the dangers of hypnosis caused him to discontinue his research.” This seems like karmic payback, in at least some capacity, for the professor doing the same thing to his student, Erickson, years earlier. What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This was certainly in karmic alignment with the energies of resistance and criticism this professor himself had fostered in discouraging his promising student, who became world‑renowned for his creativity and ingenuity, and probing into and studying many hypnotic phenomena, and truly advancing the field of inquiry in using hypnosis as a tool for studying the workings of the mind. So this professor, in running into a similar discouragement, in moving to his new institution, was simply meeting more of the same constraints put in place throughout academia, and the scientific professions across the board, to limit progress, initiative, creativity, and the flexibility and open-mindedness needed to recognize promising observations and new ideas, and greet them with enthusiasm, but instead to be skeptical and quick to criticize and reject new thinking. That is the hallmark of mind control manipulation at work, and this is the reason again and again promising observations are simply ignored when true scientific inquiry demands a greater understanding, or the work of the scientist is not yet finished. That is not always possible to supply. There are many phenomena in nature that are too mysterious, and perhaps elusive, to probe in ways that reveal deeper understanding and may languish, for want of better tools, for many years, and only with the advent of new technologies will begin to give up their secrets. But there has to be a motivation to pursue such phenomena. When that is lacking, something is wrong because humans are geared to be curious and wanting to understand things. There are many such seekers highly motivated and passionate about scientific inquiry, and have great zeal for the pursuit of deeper understanding, and will make many sacrifices in the attempt. So it is the old guard, acting as gatekeepers, who ride herd on the young upstarts and provide the needed discouragement to keep things constrained—that is the hidden agenda that works all too well. So this professor got a taste of his own medicine, but the true cause was the fact he simply moved to an institution with stricter rules and more well-entrenched manipulation, and his own ideas he was free to exercise in his prior post, were not acceptable in the new setting, and so he fell victim as well to the groupthink of others in the field of hypnotherapy and the psychology of the hypnotic phenomena.