DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human InstitutionsMany students, especially those earning advanced degrees, and who go to professional schools, need decades to repay their student loans. So not only are they subjected to academic gatekeeping for a number of years, but enjoy the privilege of spending most of their adult lives paying for it! What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
Here again is a distortion of purpose and potential productivity, that in order to make strides in cultivating the talent of the young, the requirements and penalties imposed, in making people go to school endlessly, jumping through a seemingly endless series of hoops to satisfy their overseers, and charging them a premium price for the privilege, adds insult to injury in our perspective. People learn much more from doing than by attending lectures and reading about the work of others. The entire educational system has things backwards, and this is deliberate because it is a deliberate stifling of initiative and creativity to imprison the young in schools under the authority of teachers, who will get ever more stern in maintaining discipline, to enforce their way of doing things that is against human nature to begin with. This is why the education system is, in fact, breaking down, it was never designed to work well to begin with. It is only the innate ability and talent of human beings that allows people to learn, even under adverse circumstances, where learning is encouraged on the one hand, but students receive many disincentives to participate and give it their all when subjected to bullying and peer pressure of various negative kinds, and even mistreatment by teachers oftentimes who are ill-suited for the task. The many flaws of the educational institutions are beyond the scope of our discussion here with you at this point, but the key thing about paying so very much for something of so little value is truly a travesty. This is all a consequence of mind control manipulation to be this way, so not only is education highly uneven, many times counterproductive, or only able to achieve a mediocre level of benefit, particularly in being highly irrelevant to true life applications, there is something deeply wrong with society, that it would tolerate, let alone put such a high price tag on a system of arbitrary make-work exercises and testing that ultimately provides little of tangible value, other than the diploma as a currency for acceptance in the job market or academia. But a sham is still a sham regardless of whether you believe in it, and so the consequences are real in holding back human progress in ways that cause suffering and, in this case, a financial penalty. We are not against learning, we are against the arbitrary nature in which this is approached, that everyone should be treated the same and forced to learn something about everything when people have widely varied talents and abilities and interests. This is not imposed on people in the adult world, only on the young who cannot fight back. The regimentation this requires is stultifying and severely damaging to the spirit, and wastes incredible resources of time and energy, and often results in impairing the very ability, let alone willingness of young people, to find a way to truly use their talents in a practical way in society. This is why many drop out; they are discouraged and may take solace in drugs and alcohol rather than a boring mediocre job of some kind, because they were not able to tolerate the educational system and jump through those hoops that are required. So the cost is great and the benefit marginal in the way people are educated in human society.