DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human PotentialMany psychics have talked about the need to complete replacement of the full complement of DNA in our original configuration as star beings, and that this is necessary for ascension to happen. Can you give us a tutorial on what the defect is, its impact, and the need for repair in order for humanity to ascend? Will people getting personal healing of their full DNA complement, ascend before others?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
There are many picking up the scent and are on the hunt to address this issue through their intuition. It has been discussed many times now, by many psychic mediums and channelers who are rightly sensing this is a basic defect of humanity that will be addressed in association with the process of Ascension to raise you up. But these workers are trapped in the circular logic that Ascension is a matter of acquiring knowledge and insight about problems, and reaching a full complement of inner wisdom will raise them up and elevate and correct any inner problems or discord. So the lure of re-aligning and reconfiguring and completing the complement of DNA being the ticket to Ascension is a natural conclusion, but is also being promoted by deceptions introduced by the interlopers to misguide people and misdirect them into a dead end project. This only serves them in deflecting human energy on a make-work project. The reality is, what is wrong has been added to by the extraterrestrials but starts from the problem you are not a light being at the moment, you are a being in the physical, and no longer have your full light being wherewithal. As such, you are not fully connected to your soul by the inter-dimensional DNA and thus, are in a weakened state. This is why you lack light being powers. Even though some have an inner awareness they have been able to manipulate energy, and see that in their dreams and psychic ruminations, and so on, that is a carryover of information from their prior existence, but does not mean it is in the cards to regain light being stature as a physical extension. So there is no way for you to reinstall the full complement of soul attributes of a light being while you are in the physical. These false notions take much time, energy, and money from those wanting to be raised up and promised Ascension will happen if they work on their DNA. This is putting the cart before the horse. The DNA reconfiguration is not required for Ascension to happen, but will be a product of Ascension and a consequence once Ascension takes place. So the need is for humanity to have healing for their karmic baggage, because that is lowering everyone's vibration and creating much inner discord and disconnection from many underlying soul attributes that reflect their divinity. That is a major problem in its own right and must be addressed and corrected in order for Ascension to take place. That is what needs to be the focus of healing, the karmic repair all are in need of. Without that, humanity will not be ready for Ascension and it will not happen. That is what the LHP and the DSMR protocols are for, to bring healing necessary to enable readiness for Ascension. Without being raised up through healing, the ascension to even greater heights cannot happen. The preparation must involve work in partnership with Creator from the human side, and not through simple requests, and yearnings, and simple prayer work alone.