DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaLightworker Healing Protocol sessions being done for the Detroit Lions were aimed at providing protection from targeting and manipulation. This is a complex request because the free will choices of the interlopers doing the targeting still needed some allowance for expression within the divine rules of engagement. The request was never, “Creator, help the Lions win.” It was soon noticed that the frequency and severity of injuries did, in fact, seem to decline. But something else also seemed to happen, the team dramatically improved its play and started winning. But the improvement seemed way out of proportion in contrast to the requests for protection from harm. When asked about it, Creator said it was a backlog of compensatory karma coming to bear after decades of targeting. Yet, it seems that this compensatory karma could not be brought to bear until the healing campaign was launched. Can Creator explain how compensatory karma can be held at bay by the pernicious downward spiral of negative karma?
Nicola Staff asked 3 months ago

This subject of good karma versus bad karma is an extremely important one for the understanding of a fundamental force of the universe that governs everything and will determine over the long term how things go, what will work, what will fail, what will improve, what will decline and perhaps be phased out, and those outcomes will be owing to the actions of those who participate. Keep in mind, we are largely on the sidelines so as to not interfere with intentions of the soul-based beings on the battlefield, so to speak, because this is your war to win so we can only participate to some extent, and only under specific conditions when invited and in the right way, and even then, have many, many limits on what we can do. This is shocking to many, that God is not in charge of the world with respect to day-to-day activities. That is all left to those in the physical plane themselves, through their free choices. The Law of Karma is dispassionate and does not take sides based on some ideological belief, or prior allegiance and loyalty, and thus have a bias. The Law of Karma deals with ultimate truth based on energetics—how much negativity and how much positivity is being created in the intentions of all beings engaged with life. Each life is being recorded, and that is what the akashic records are for, to provide a historical account of everything that happens, and each event from day to day will have an energetic signature assigned automatically as the events are recorded. When people interact with one another, those participants will each, in their akashic records, have a chapter written with the energetics of their involvement and contribution along with the others, but making clear who is who. It is those energies used by the Law of Karma to carry out its role as The Great Leveler. Its job is to bring back around the energy of what each individual soul-based being contributed to the workings of life, whether personally or through influencing a fellow being or a larger group, and even a societal level on the part of leadership, primarily, except for those innovators and deep thinkers whose creativity ends up influencing a wider circle of fellow beings.


In taking pains to describe the energetics, we are addressing your point to help understanding that this is all dispassionate, with respect to the Law of Karma, and what the divine takes part in or not, as the case might be. So in terms of good karma and bad karma, the good being a compensatory utilization of positive energy created previously to come back around, and perhaps provide a spot improvement or relief from a bad patch in one's life in helping to raise them up, giving them the strength and courage to keep going, and so on. But the important thing to keep in mind is that good karma, the compensatory karma of prior good deeds, is not a gift from God, it is a gift from you, yourselves, through good works of yours being recycled to come around again, and perhaps breathe new life by bringing joy and a reward of some kind to make life tolerable, at least for a time. This is a do-it-yourself world for sure, and this is the stark inner workings. It is the ultimate reveal in who is doing the heavy lifting, who is truly in charge, and who must, in the end, be accountable for all that happens. It is the participants in the physical, individually and collectively, who share the responsibility and the blame, as well as praise at times, and perhaps additional divine blessings in response to being in spiritual alignment and doing good works. Keep in mind then, it is always your karma and the karma of fellow beings that runs the show. This is why your life cannot be passive and truly accomplishing something of great value, there is hard work needed for all of you to take part in.