DWQA QuestionsCategory: Spirit PossessionKip Kinkel, who shot and killed two students and wounded 25 when he was attending 9th Grade at Thurston High School in Springfield, OR, and killed both his parents the night before, was found to be psychotic. He reportedly had heard voices for years and could be normal one minute and in the grip of auditory hallucinations the next. Was he manipulated by the Extraterrestrial Alliance through spirit meddler possession to become unbalanced and commit the crimes?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
This is very definitely the case. Without an intrusive monitoring and orchestrated manipulation through collaboration with spirit meddlers, this individual would have remained normal and had a normal life without incident. But he was identified in a survey, always ongoing, as someone who had a mind that could be altered by onboard spirit meddlers to gain a greater than usual measure of control. Such individuals will be seized upon by the Extraterrestrial Alliance and groomed for various kinds of mischief depending on the makeup of the person in other respects. When a sufficient level of mind alteration and programming of the deep subconscious is done to promote false beliefs and destructive impulses, using whatever motivation is seen most effective, such as creating great inner fear, such persons will be worked on over time to shape their thinking and create a looping of thought that convinces them there is a looming threat of some kind and only a rash act, like a mass shooting, can help the person make a difference. To be sure, there must be delusional thinking to rationalize mass murder and a likely self‑destruction, but it is amazing how many people can be manipulated to embrace such a scenario and take part in it actively, having come to believe it is the best way forward and the most meaningful thing they can do in the face of a looming disaster of some kind. Keep in mind, those who can be maneuvered in this way have lost their ability to have a balanced view of things, and so will embrace a distorted perception and believe they have a role to play because they are told this over and over and over again. What is going on is a relentless campaign of manipulation, with such individuals truly suffering because of inner conflicts, at least for a time, between the voices in their head and their inner morality and sense of proportion, but eventually the inner voices may win out and take command. So this individual is like the scenario we have described for you previously, of people pushed into madness to commit a killing, who will wake up in jail and may regain more of their normal perspective and be truly puzzled how they took part in something so ghastly, but it is too late to second-guess, being behind bars. That is the case with this individual who may well end up spending the rest of his life behind bars. As long as he is taking his medication, he will feel perfectly normal, so he is, indeed, being punished for an illness. The deeper issue, of course, is he needs healing to reverse his susceptibility to spirit meddler manipulation so something like this does not happen again. This is a testament to the state of ignorance of psychiatry and law enforcement, and the legal system as a whole, not realizing mental illness is a form of criminal programming all too often to manipulate people to commit acts of wrongdoing they would never do on their own, without the mental aberration induced in them by the interlopers, so this perpetrator is every bit as much a victim as those he harmed in an altered state of mind.