DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious MindKarl began his healing career as a hypnotist. And it was certainly the mixed results he got with it that helped motivate him to explore subconscious healing beyond hypnosis—eventually resulting in the revelations of Empowered Prayer and The Lightworker Healing Protocol. Can Creator share with us the importance of that journey and its achievements?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This is a perfect illustration of what we have alluded to all during this discussion, that the subject you are probing, of hypnosis and the phenomenology uncovered by others using hypnotism as a tool to probe the mind, is providing important clues about how the mind functions and the possibility of sorting out key questions about how to make your lives better, and to be more successful and productive in life, and not be held down by the seeming vulnerability and frailty of the mind and emotions, particularly when challenged by trauma of any kind. This is the major source of difficulty in the world because it changes people for the worse; it limits their ability to function to fullest expression; many end up withdrawing from life to spend it more in hiding than engaging productively. To be sure, there are risks because the world sees to this, it is never stable and at peace for very long, there is always something bad happening somewhere. That is because of the totality of evil in your midst, sooner or later it will show up near you if not affecting you directly, and, of course, with the advent of modern communication, bad news travels faster than ever before. The whole world will watch, at least in retrospect, video footage of almost every catastrophe that takes place planetwide. This is seen to because it is disheartening and demotivating. The interlopers want you to be discouraged. They are creating the evil that is harming you with seeming "natural disasters" that are wholly "unnatural" in many cases, and the erratic and even violent behavior of many individuals. What is needed is to reckon with the problem of evil in a way that can heal it, not just engage in a battle or deflect it temporarily only to see it rise up again, and perhaps with greater force and determination. Your channel's frustration with conventional science and medicine, in dealing with problems of the mind as well as physical illness, after a career doing drug discovery research, led him to consider other avenues for exploration. It was his inner knowing and, indeed, an intuitive awareness that the phenomenon of hypnosis was pointing out something very important and little-studied about the mind and its workings. It was that intuitive awareness and his tremendous curiosity, along with some divine encouragement he was as yet unaware of, that led him to seek training as a hypnotist, to see for himself what could be done, and met with plenty of encouragement from workers who were using hypnosis to heal both emotional and physical problems. When that happened, something was taking place to address traumas of the past in each and every instance. He pursued this avidly, to probe ever more deeply, and along the way, because of a spiritual awakening to the reality of the Divine, was able to use the trance state to communicate with spirit beings possessing people, and refine the work of earlier healers to carry out Remote Spirit Releasement with divine assistance. This capability enabled him to begin to channel beings in the divine realm including, ultimately, Creator of All That Is. As a born researcher, your channel was working all along to refine his process for engaging a client's mind and resolving the inner conflicts, and now, with greater divine help than ever before, being able to ask penetrating questions and receive feedback with clarity. This enabled a greater understanding than ever before about how the mind works, where problems come from, and how this comes about, and what to do about it. There are many phenomena exhibited by the darkness that can impinge on a person and cause trouble, sometimes quite serious in nature, and even fatal. People have been taught to pray but not how to pray with greatest effectiveness. There are many rules of engagement the divine realm adheres to that determine what can be done in any given situation in response to a prayer request. Your channel has learned and applied many insights that greatly empower prayer and extend its reach and effectiveness, and the same idea lies behind the Lightworker Healing Protocol, which is a series of high-level informed prayer requests to address all sources of negativity that can undermine a person and cause problems—mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual—and request divine intervention for their healing. The irony for Karl is that he learned much more than he bargained for. Quite unexpectedly, he learned that the instigators and originators of evil influence on human beings comes not only from the dark fallen angelic spirits but extraterrestrial spirits who are stuck in limbo, as well as human spirits unable to return to the light who are deeply troubled, and perhaps were former criminals. All of these spirits are a plague on humanity because they can attach to people in the living and impair their functioning in various ways. In addition, he found that many problems faced by humanity were engineered to happen by physical extraterrestrials, who can manipulate people directly with mind control, and using advanced technology to cause all kinds of dilemmas and difficulties for society and individuals they want to sideline or eliminate. This is not only serious, it has put humanity in peril because the extraterrestrials have decided they want to be done with you and are planning to annihilate humanity on the way out. The Lightworker Healing Protocol is designed specifically to heal these dark beings, all of them, to raise them up so they will give up their depraved plans and withdraw without destroying humanity gratuitously. That is not a complete healing solution for the evildoers, but it is not only a good beginning, it will ensure that healing eventually is carried out successfully, because it will provide time for enough human healing requests to be created while healing the bulk of humanity without the headwind of the darkness holding everything back. That sum total of healing requests will continue to work because the Protocol is designed that way, to be reused and repurposed energetically each and every session, and pooled together for the greatest total impact, and replicated over and over throughout time until healing is accomplished of everyone and everything within your galaxy. That will be the greatest of legacies ever brought into existence through a loving impulse in the history of the universe, and will stand for all time as a signpost in how to solve problems while partnering with the divine realm. As such, it will be a model for the entire universe, not just in how to save the Earth from the interlopers, but to raise up the entire universe with guidance in how to live with greater free agency and free will than ever before.