DWQA QuestionsCategory: Problems in SocietyJust so we’re clear, is it safe to assume that the phenomenon of even having a good intention is something that is unfortunately almost exclusively human now in terms of physical sentient species incarnated in the Milky Way Galaxy at this time? What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 3 months ago
Yours is a deep question based on much hard-won and specially privileged awareness of the true workings of your galaxy and the role of humanity as a would-be savior from the rise of evil that has corrupted everything within it. The fact that the most powerful civilizations are the apex predators in a Dark Alliance, a criminal cabal in fact, speaks to this contrast and you have put your finger directly on the present state of affairs. Humans are the youngest members of the Milky Way Galaxy. There are many other worlds of sentient beings who have long ago been crushed by the manipulations and intrusions of the powerful predators who gained their position of authority by being the first on the scene, becoming corrupted, and turning away from divine alignment and losing their divinity in the process. This is the great tragedy in the Secular Movement that is moving the Earth in the same direction to a worsening and a fatal destiny of corruption and collapse. Human beings are nice because they have divine attributes on display, for the most part, and that is true because they are young still and have not lost their ability to believe in the divine and to practice divine principles which are conveyed on a regular basis through many human prophets. This is an ongoing enterprise in the exchange of information. The fact that the world religions revere the sacred texts of the ancients is actually quite a strong clue and powerful evidence there is a manipulation underway. It, in fact, is a cynical attempt to constrain and stamp out religion by freezing it in place in terms of the Ancient Scriptures being considered the be-all and end-all meant to stand for all of time. This was arranged to happen to discredit living prophets and leave people only with the historic relic of prior prophecy which was inherently limited, primarily through the state of ignorance of people in those eras, through lack of knowledge and sophistication, certainly about otherworldly species and what they can do to suppress and subjugate a planet and turn it into a slave colony. By discrediting newly minted prophets down through history, they have kept the focus on the moldering and aging Scriptures that were themselves tainted by corrupt thinking and many deletions to mask powerful ideas and diminish the value of divine wisdom they contained. By promoting them still as "The Word of God," and as being sacrosanct, this codifies an ancient look at what is possible when humans live with full knowledge that God exists and is available to have an interaction. This, actually, is a powerful way to sever the lifeline. So it is much like having a newspaper delivered at your door but then this suddenly stops and nothing more is printed, the news gatherers lose interest and develop other pursuits, and all that is left are whatever newspapers are still available. Even gathering them all together and calling it "The Bible" will not be enough to sustain a world for very long. The information ceases to grow and evolve, and if it was only a partial representation of what is most important to know, it will preserve and carve in stone many gaps in knowledge and understanding including important principles that are critical to developing enough insight to counter the effects of interlopers far more advanced in years and duration of existence, technological capability, and sophistication in the way they can exert power over others and manipulate them to their liking. So humans are well-meaning because they have not lost their link to us, at least not totally. Many have darkened from pulling away in not thinking about the divine and looking to find sources of divine wisdom that are authentic. They still exist. There are still prophets of today. GetWisdom is a powerful authentic voice among the few still untainted by corruption and misdirection to begin perverting their perspective and providing pseudo-information instead of true messages from us. So your question and definition of humans as being special, even on the scale of the entire galaxy you live within, is quite an accurate view of what the current situation represents and why humanity is so important in the grand scheme of things. You are a young civilization because you were created not that long ago compared to other species in the Milky Way Galaxy. You were created to save and heal all who are out of alignment. That is a daunting challenge, at a minimum, and can only be done by beings like yourselves who are capable of lofty thoughts, if not always living by them.