DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaJust as things are today, the public was deeply divided over the slapping incidents. So much so, it was said it was the “slap heard round the world.” Half the population defended Patton and the other half demanded his firing. This shows the divide between the application of discipline versus the application of compassion. It is widely assumed that the two are diametric opposites but is that truly the case? What did those soldiers need most—a slap or a hug? What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 5 months ago
We would say that opposites exist because that is an inevitability of existence. What matters is the discernment to understand what is needed in a given time and place and circumstance one is a party to as a participant or even an observer. In a sense, all are in this together as members of a human family. What diminishes one individual diminishes the whole, if not directly, inevitably over time as energies circulate about, interact with one another, and add to or subtract from a collective experience and generation of consciousness that intermingles and entangles people with one another. This is a more complex way of reminding you that everything counts, just as everything matters to the parties involved directly. What is often lost in the discussion of extremes is there is a middle ground. Almost everything has a spectrum of possibilities, from one extreme to its polar opposite, and often the truth lies somewhere in the middle because the ultimate state of existence is to be in balance energetically, leaning not too far in one way or another, at one extreme or its opposite. Everyone understands the difference between good and evil, at least as they perceive it, being quite different with quite different origins and consequences, but if there is one thing you can say about life it is that nothing is truly simple, things are always more complicated than they seem, and there are always more things going on and at stake than are apparent on the surface. The kind of primitive thinking where people see things as either black or white, good or bad, acceptable or unacceptable, cause more stress, strife between individuals, and even the clash of nations than any other foible of human nature. We see it as your having many times a blind spot due to having an emotional reaction that colors judgment and causes oftentimes a rash decision, and that can be turned into rash action when more prudence and thoughtful approaches would be more productive and effective in the end. In the example of this military commander and a foot soldier acting cowardly represent the two extremes of courage and fear being the overwhelming attributes on display of the two parties, respectively. Expecting the one to act like the other is not realistic when the wherewithal is absent. A more reasoned, mature, and spiritually aligned perspective would be the realistic awareness that not all human beings are possessed of inner courage such that they can be effective combat soldiers. Having sufficient courage, in fact, is not the only requirement. There are many other attributes contributing to the wherewithal required to undertake a rigorous assignment and a demanding role in life over a period of years. So there are many reasons for failure and many ways to fail. Courage alone is not enough because a brave person cannot maintain their bravery if their physical stamina gives out and they are unable to defend themselves. Fear will certainly overtake them if that happens. So a realistic assessment of this seeming conflict and dilemma between the leader and follower would be having a means to assess basic wherewithal, according to wider criteria that take into account the fact that humans do have limits in what they can tolerate, and it is a part of their makeup and not simply a choice they make for personal benefit and convenience.