DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human InstitutionsJesus Christ, by all accounts, was a gentle, loving, being who helped many through his prophecy and healing work. Yet, historical accounts reflect that he ran afoul not only of the Roman occupiers of the region, but the Sanhedrin, the Jewish leaders of the Temple in Jerusalem, and it was their rejection of Jesus as one of their own that aided and abetted him being sentenced to death. Was that an accurate description or an alteration of history? Were the extraterrestrial interlopers actually behind this tragedy?
Nicola Staff asked 9 months ago
You have nicely seen through the fog of history here, to illuminate the truth of what transpired in that tragic act of sacrifice on behalf of the divine in the crucifixion of a leading light who came along to change the world and did so through tragedy instead of triumph. But he was all the more effective because of it, and this is because it was a kind of stage play enacted for the amusement of the Extraterrestrial Alliance at the expense of human minds and hearts, and much karmic baggage to draw them into the drama if only as witnesses and bystanders. The interlopers are always wanting to make trouble, to thwart human plans, to complicate things, and to get warring factions going by driving a wedge between people who have differing vested interests, but subjecting them to a much worse outcome by ramping up passions recklessly and unnecessarily. That is what was done here. There were divergent views about whether Jesus Christ was truly the long-awaited divine prophet, the Messiah whose coming was long predicted, and there was natural suspicion and jealousy when he outshone others because of his divine purity and natural gifts. These were bestowed on him for his life mission to be a spiritual leader and change agent for goodness and human progress. Such individuals are always eventually reckoned with by the Extraterrestrial Alliance to give them some kind of pushback, to limit their influence on others, and often make them suffer personally, for being a do-gooder. That is highly irksome to the extraterrestrial psychopaths who live through representing evil intentions because of the heavy corruption of their culture and disconnection from spirituality that is almost total, leaving them without the ability to love, or a working conscience. So while there were differing opinions among the Jewish leadership of the day in whether to accept Jesus Christ as a true prophet and Messiah, their rejection of him was simply used as an excuse and a cover story of the Roman overseers in being manipulated to give him a death sentence for a political squabble. In actuality, the extraterrestrials overseeing that region could see a future timeline projection that Jesus Christ would grow in popularity and influence with the masses, promoting dangerous ideas of personal independence and freedom to follow their faith and to follow him. As a would-be human leader not chosen by the interlopers, he posed a danger to their desire to have a crushing control that limited human quality of life and personal happiness. So it was a contrivance and convenience, to blame it on the Jews themselves, to find fault with one of their own and seemingly, use the Romans as their executioner. But all along, this was engineered and orchestrated through mind control to influence all involved in how they acted, what they said, and chose to do or not do as events unfolded. As such, Jesus Christ was unfairly convicted and punished, and to the end was a passive recipient of the wrath of others. Although it came to be blamed on the Jews by some, Jesus Christ was crucified because the people of those times were asleep, unable to truly accept the divinity of Jesus Christ and rally to his side when this was questioned, because of the subjugation through mind control manipulation by the extraterrestrials. The fact it could not be prevented by the divine realm was because those allied against him had a much greater influence than his supporters, so the free will imperative worked against this. We could see in the future that his sacrifice would have a much larger influence on minds and hearts eventually, and that has been borne out by the founding of Christianity as a religion that continues to the present day, still supporting the preaching of the Gospels. That is his legacy, a message of loving kindness, forgiveness and mercy for the lost, and many truths about the divine realm and how best to live one's life with purpose and in divine alignment.