DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human PotentialIt would seem helper types are not good at being alone for long stretches. As cruel as solitary confinement is, it might be the most cruel to do that to a helper. Helpers have a need to be around people and even animals. Yet, are also often aware of their shortcomings as not being as gabby as orators, or as entertaining and interesting as artists, athletes, researchers, etc. This would fuel their desire to be “useful” and be the ones walking around with the coffee pot asking if anyone wants a refill (when all their cups were already full!). What advice can Creator give to others on how to best understand, value, and reward the helper types in their lives without compromising their own needs and wants, and not coming up short in the process?
Nicola Staff asked 12 months ago
The most fundamental consideration here is to cultivate a broader awareness that no two beings are identical, and the soul profile best defining their makeup is still only a part of their overall existence as an independent entity who is valued and loved by Creator equally. This will mean, inevitably, that some people will be drawn to one another and others will not get along with one another and, by definition, those seeming dilemmas or shortcomings are situational and a circumstance of the moment only, and not an overarching and defining characteristic or limitation with great significance about the value or worth of the individual. Everyone has a place where they belong in the overall scheme of things and everyone is a work in progress. You are in the process of becoming something more, so to look around you with an eye towards ranking where you stand compared to others is doing yourself an injustice because it is an unfair comparison at the outset. People are at differing places in their progression or as a consequence of their experience base, and that will put some immediately ahead of others, but that is only in a local context and a temporary one given the vastness of time having infinity to work with. So there is little value in agonizing over judging others or the self. While this might lead to a useful course correction, being a source of negativity, in causing harm to others or the self, is always an error with karmic consequences because this is the kind of dilemma that is ignoring the reality you are here to learn and grow and to be a part of the larger whole, and that means at times being a helper, if only to allow someone their chance to try their hand, show what they can do, and gain from the experience, and not be squelched or rejected at the outset. It is normal and healthy to take pride in one's accomplishments, and it is a measure of divine alignment in how realistic one can be in evaluating how they are doing and striving to do it better. When this is done with positivity, enthusiasm, and even joy, it is an encouragement for others, an example to follow that will serve all involved.