DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlIt was reported in the news that “the U.S. government has arbitrarily decided it will no longer conduct safety research on wireless radiation, abruptly halting the National Toxicology Project… Despite that 10-year, $30M project finding increases in cancer, heart damage and DNA damage from exposure to cell phone RF radiation at common levels.” You have cautioned us for years that these emissions cause cancer. Is this cancellation sinister in its origins to cover up the truth?
Nicola Staff asked 12 months ago
This is highly sinister, yet a good example of how science is limited on a regular basis because it is minded and constrained by overseers among the interlopers who manipulate the human gatekeepers. They will determine what gets published, who gets grant money for research, and what kinds of projects are deemed worthy of pursuit, while others will languish. Such technology is very unhealthy. While it does not create an immediate health problem from short-term exposure, the aggregate effect of long-term immersion in a sea of such energies bombarding the body, day after day, year after year, will produce many negative health outcomes and shorten the lifespan. That is certainly worth knowing because there are workarounds and alternatives that could be done to help mitigate risks. But the interlopers do not want you to know the risks are real, so no action will be taken and as usual, the regulatory bodies are asleep at the switch because they are manipulated to be complacent and dubious of what their own research is showing. That is the power of mind control and why it truly has humanity in its grip, as normally, such revelations would be a bombshell demanding an immediate course of action to improve things and keep society protected. That is unlikely to happen in the current climate.