DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human PotentialIt was mentioned in the last show on soul attributes, that it’s not the attribute itself that is problematic, but how it is expressed. In evaluating the helper, it’s easy to see how their focus on the welfare of those around them can manifest in a positive way. But how can it manifest negatively? How can a helper be corrupted and even engage in and become “evil,” perhaps by imposing their more conservative standards and risk-aversion on others forcefully, such as the overbearing mother who limits the freedom of her children to a stultifying degree, to keep them safe, or perhaps in trying to manipulate others by performing unrequested and unneeded tasks in order to ingratiate, and then claiming “they had no choice” when confronted? Is the helper prone to being a martyr, working themselves to death, and then complaining about it incessantly? Were helpers more often than not the dreaded snitches in World War II sending “dangerous enemies” to the government for help? What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 12 months ago
We would say that with this question you are getting into the issue that no matter what description and definition you apply to soul profiles, they will be nonetheless quite complex and will have an array of varying characteristics because there are so many varied cultural settings and needed functions in society as well as varied levels of power and control, status, and financial characteristics in how they are valued. The basic issue at hand is that anything can be corrupted, and anything with value in one setting or utilization might be used for an evil purpose in another. So this is really the overlay of kind of value judgment more dependent on to what purpose the actions of a helper are devoted and what might their individual motives be. The same soul profiles exhibited by members of a free and open society will exist within a harsh dictatorship but may become perverted, or at least constrained, by the negative influences of being out of divine alignment. The overarching goal of existence is to seek growth and learning while contributing to an expansion of possibilities that are in divine alignment or working towards divine alignment. So this is, in a sense, another category of soul attributes being considered. People value different things, as does society, this is why there is a need for criteria to make an evaluation. So here we are basically talking about aspects of divinity, to what extent they are flourishing, on display, highly visible, and an integral part in what takes place, and how much they might be withheld, suppressed, or thwarted to limit their influence. Another way of measuring the effectiveness and nature of an activity is its energetic vibration in comparison to divine love. This is why the role of mothers is so revered and seen as special, because it is so much about love, and thus more similar to Creator's essence than something more mechanical but nonetheless useful, like someone directing traffic, so there is an endless variety of potential expressions of the soul makeup.