DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious ChannelingIt seems that any trauma event can give rise to an associated negative energetic signature in the akashic records, and both the memory and pain of even past life trauma can form a cording to a person living currently. There can also be separate cordings for negative, self-limiting beliefs arising from each trauma episode. Given people in horrible relationships and countless other circumstances can have numerous similar traumas, and thus numerous similar cordings representing an identical belief, like “I hate myself.” Can those be healed globally, in one fell swoop? Will a belief replacement for a specific trauma event that resembles many, many others, clear all similar energetic signatures and cordings, or must these be dealt with one by one?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
Unfortunately, the latter is the case here. Given the exquisite specificity of the Law of Karma in tracking everything that happens, through storing the akashic records with their energetic signatures, and then looking at linkages and creating new ones to help implement motivation for healing, it is too much to expect that a cording for a particular negative belief could be healed and that would automatically go and find all similar negative beliefs among the many energetic signatures on file for hundreds of lifetimes and heal those as well. So, approaches that use imagery to round up similar trauma events will almost always be dealing with primary traumas and the re-echoing of similar cordings replicating those primary energetic signatures, and not many, many, other similar traumas that were discrete events separate in time.