DWQA QuestionsCategory: Problems in SocietyIt seems so much about being a good person involves resisting temptations and the urge to participate in a collective wrongdoing or evil, often initiated through good intentions. This is starkly demonstrated with the Kenosha, Wisconsin demonstrations a few years ago. Wanting to protect private property from vandalism is arguably a good intention, and wanting to protest excessive police behavior is also arguably a good intention, yet it ultimately led to a self-defense shooting that resulted in dead and permanently maimed protestors, and a young man who narrowly escaped going to prison for life and who will live with that event forever haunting him. What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 3 months ago
To us, this is a good example of good intentions reflecting very meaningful soul attributes that are in divine alignment. It is lofty to want the righting of wrongs, to want fairness, to want equality, and to take corrective action if there is excessive manipulation of anyone. What you see in your world, however, is that all too often, every issue of concern seems to have its opposite, people who believe in an opposite perspective or perhaps simply believe in an opposite of the proposed solution even when there is universal agreement on there being a problem. To some extent, this is inevitable because of the variety of soul attribute expressions across humanity being a spectrum of strengths and weaknesses or, to be more precise, lesser levels of expression. This makes everyone unique even though there are large areas of overlap with many things people have in common. But good only comes from what is in divine alignment. If an act that is well‑intended is being done for dark purposes, that becomes a kind of negating of the benefit as well as the positive karma from a goodwill gesture of some kind. Just as in the saying, "One man's meat is another man's poison," one person's social justice outcome is another person's reason to protest, and perhaps mount a counter-demonstration to prevent it or prevent it happening again, or simply complain about it. One of the reasons for the widespread disaffection, given everyone is unique and there cannot possibly be universal agreement on anything, is actually because differences are played upon and accentuated by the interlopers who have an overall strategy of divide and conquer. This is why the two major political parties are characterized increasingly by greater emotion, hatred, fear, and loathing, by turns, from each side directed at the other. It is rarer and rarer when people across a political divide can come together and agree to disagree, and part happily knowing they have been true to their own beliefs and feel no great compunction to further attack and injure their would-be opponent who disagrees on something. In that way, this clash between a group of demonstrators and a counter‑demonstrator that led to a shooting and a death is not only tragic but emblematic of the manipulation underway, to make everything a high-stakes endeavor, and to ramp it up to a degree that the personal passions get out of hand and even end in violence. That is not healthy nor is it normal. It is certainly nondivine. So we see more clearly than human beings the large degree of misalignment of the average person in today's world. It is not the default mode of human beings to be at the ready to mount a fight. When they act that way, it is because there is a grievance ginned up by the interlopers. If people only knew to what extent they are being manipulated to adopt a cause and devote considerable time and passion to it, they would be mortified. In effect, they are minions of the darkness and do not realize it. It is not that both sides are totally wrong. In fact, both sides can be largely right while still having enough of a difference in perspectives they can get a fight going if they are pushed in the right directions, in the right way, through subliminal programming. It is particularly striking that the event you ask about in Wisconsin is in a different state than where the death of George Floyd took place and whose demise, while in the custody of police, sparked riots across the nation. That, too, is not logical in representing an excessive emotional response to the plight of one individual. The reason it became a cause célèbre is courtesy of the Extraterrestrial Alliance to ramp up passions through the media talking heads and the news outlets stoking the fires of resentment and treating it as a disastrous event when it was, in actuality, a very sad and unfortunate death of a man whose life was being squandered by his own criminal inclinations and opioid habit that killed him. Those who think this is simply right-wing propaganda need to go back and listen to what was recorded by police cameras during his arrest and questioning, and it is very, very clear he was complaining of respiratory distress for quite some time even when sitting in the backseat of a police car and not fighting a restraining officer while on the ground as happened just prior to his passing. He, in fact, was reported accurately to have had a lethal level of opioids in his system, and took other drugs as well, and was dangerously close to respiratory arrest for some time prior to his expiration. So it was his own reckless drug use and time that killed him, and might well have happened had he simply been home alone that afternoon and took a similar overdose. So for people reacting to the tenor of the times, this ginning up of passions about the issue of police brutality was greatly magnified by many individuals and groups swept up in the excitement and rising passions being manipulated to intensify. And, of course, it was the would-be "good intentions" as well that led to the clash taking place that brought things to a head for all parties involved on both sides of the political divide.