DWQA QuestionsCategory: Limiting BeliefsIt is said that addictions to things we need are the hardest to overcome. One can quit cigarettes cold turkey, but not eating. Likewise one cannot overcome an exaggerated need for safety, by renouncing it completely. It seems that being safe is actually a compromise at all times and places. No one can be perfectly safe, yet we see overcompensation and negligence everywhere all the time, often on display in the same person. It seems acquiring an enlightened perspective on one’s safety is actually akin to enlightenment itself? What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
We would say this can well be true, although enlightenment involves much more than the gaining of a sense of safety when that is appropriate and an accurate assessment of one's current state of being and personal situation. But safety is quite important and in fact central because there are so many potential dilemmas encountered in physical plane existence, that one is met with such challenges on a fairly regular basis and must learn to navigate the troubled waters and stay afloat. This requires people adapting to circumstances, learning as they go, and incorporating a variety of self-discovered tactics and strategies to help one get along, persevere, and become successful in reaching goals set for them or which they need to reach for personal reasons. People will vary to what extent they can put such considerations out of mind for a time and it is a rough measure of how anxious they might be. Some people can never let go of such feelings because they are simply a chronic presence of enough strength to demand almost constant attention, if only in the back of the mind while having to do other things, and perhaps cover up those feelings to avoid the judgment of others, and not wanting to precipitate an incident to fulfill their worst fear that they will be judged and harmed in some way if they show weakness, and so on. Because of its central importance in the makeup of the human being, the need for safety is paramount, so it is not something that can be disregarded unless one is impaired, as with drugs and alcohol, to numb and dull the senses and suppress the feelings. The goal of life is to learn and grow, and that presupposes managing the emotions because both of those goals require a significant degree of wherewithal that is only possible when one is in a reasonable state of equilibrium, and not overwhelmed with negative emotion of any kind. But it is very true that overcoming such major concerns is a demonstration of growth and discernment that come through healing to repair the damage from prior trauma, leading to exaggerated fear and uncertainty, and allowing a person to become strong, resilient, and effective in all they do. After all, enlightenment is, first and foremost, a healing journey to return to a state of divine alignment, a returning to the light, in moving away from negativity in any form and reaching a state of grace and ease when one is in equilibrium, a state of balance, without lack in any respect. So people have a variety of ways to attempt this, and there can be overcompensation as a means of coping that is damaging in its own right and not a valid answer to the dilemma of feeling unsafe, and needing to address the issue. Where you see negligence is when people are in a state of denial and may even behave recklessly and flirt with danger as a way of telling themselves they are really stronger than they think they are, but this is just a game. They are trying to fool an adversary that is truly their inner self that knows the truth about who they are. So it is dangerous to ignore valid warnings; when this is just an exaggeration, one can do so up to a point, but often people will find when they fail to heed a warning, eventually things will worsen in some way and make that turn out to be a mistake, and they will become injured from not paying attention and taking the warning seriously. What is truly going on is that the inner pain will out in one way or another; the Law of Karma will see to this so it is not entirely under the person's own control. Karma is a force to be reckoned with and when there is a safety issue karma is trying to teach you, it is best to pay attention and seek healing for safety concerns because otherwise bad things may well happen, as the fear points to.