DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersIt has been taught in DNA ThetaHealing that instilling the right beliefs in a virus will transform it into something harmless. Would using the Deep Subconscious Memory Reset through Creator on viruses directly, be a way to transfer them into something harmless and bring about a cure?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
This is a brilliant insight, that you can parlay your use of requests for Creator to implement the DSMR Protocol on your behalf, will also allow you to have Creator carry out work directly on microbes to counter their inherent nature that works against a host harboring the organisms. And you are correctly seeing that in combination with requesting Creator's detective ability to find the specific factors, conditions, and circumstances underlying a problem, as well as the best way of rebalancing things through a reconfiguration of soul attributes, gives you all the ammunition you need to have Creator apply a perfect antidote for dealing with such invaders. Because you are correctly seeing that to have the consciousness of a microorganism in alignment with being removed can also be done, with respect to the problem of an intertwined conscious intention for that organism to be a deadly attacker for human destruction, removing the effects of such intention can be done through the DSMR because, in effect, it is an intrusion of false beliefs coming from the interlopers who, in most cases, created these microbes in extraterrestrial laboratories for use as weapons. So you are seeing the convergence here between intention, producing things like an instinct, and the corruption to serve the agenda of another consciousness. Both are amenable to modification through requests of the divine to step in and counter negative intentions that are harmful and destructive. So we see this as being a fruitful avenue for exploration and expansion of the Protocol for new applications of great importance.