DWQA QuestionsCategory: Problems in SocietyIt has been observed that many people genuinely fear information that has been deemed by their consensus to be dangerous, to the extent that they risk exile and banishment (or worse) if they even reveal that they know something they shouldn’t. Not unlike discovering that the car you’re driving is a stolen one, or that you are a carrier of a deadly virus. But the dilemma is, once you are exposed to information, it is very difficult to unsee it, and so people go to great lengths to avoid being exposed if they can help it. This creates some remarkable “gymnastics” at times. Can Creator comment?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
Here again is evidence of orchestration where people are conditioned through mind control manipulation within the deep subconscious to declare an allegiance to a set of precepts, an ideology that is heavily reinforced within them again and again, along with a set of beliefs to dislike and fear those who have differing views and to see them as a threat to one’s stability and even safety when that is rarely a real potential. This is when people can become so intolerant of one another they will even want laws to force an exclusion, and this was the basis of the race laws denying the vote, segregating schools, and places of business. That kind of segregation continues in the broader arena of political beliefs, religions, and the level of affluence enjoyed by individuals. Many will seek to exclude others with differing backgrounds that do not match their own personal criteria for being "worthy" and therefore "trustworthy." The fear and suspicion and prejudiced thinking, whether just snobbery or a virulent intolerance and hatred, will be greatly destructive and will lead to all kinds of actions, whether overt or indirect, to cause a further gulf between groups of people who have some differences, and eventually will lead to a crisis of some kind when there is a backlash responding to discrimination, let alone persecution of one group of people by another having different views. What is needed is for people to come together as human beings with a tolerance and a sense of fairness to allow people to be themselves because it is not your place to devise a set of rules attempting to make them like you. That will never work because people need to be who they are because it is their current makeup on display and stemming from beliefs deep within. They cannot live a falsehood just to please others around them. That will be demeaning and ultimately destructive to their self-image and comfort level. Again, because they will not fit in, they will feel the attitudes of rejection directed towards them as a personal affront and condemnation, and will be deeply hurt, and this greatly compounds the problem, that people are being manipulated to magnify such personal differences as to their significance and react out of proportion to these perceived shortcomings. In most cases, those rules and arbitrary standards are simply designed to elevate the self and one’s tribe as having the "right consensus" in their views and such a focus will automatically exclude many others and set many things in motion to cause hurtful feelings and cultivate regret, animosity, and grudges in those who are unjustly excluded for their differences. After all, that is the game being played here in the divide and conquer strategy of the interlopers. People value their own identity and see others as having negative attributes because they are taught to do that deep within through mind control manipulation—that is the source of racism, socioeconomic discrimination, and cultural clashes.