DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious MindIt appears the conscious or “awake” mind can focus on only one task at a time. For instance, the conscious mind cannot read a book and do a counting exercise at the same time. Yet when hypnotized to the somnambulistic level (the level that results in amnesia upon awakening), this ability to multitask has been readily demonstrated. Can Creator explain why this is so, and what levels of the mind are participating?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
What you are seeing exhibited with this phenomenon, of the ability of the subconscious mind to multitask with ease in ways impossible for conscious awareness, is a clue about what we have pointed out, that the subconscious mind in total is vastly larger than the conscious mind and its reach. What was explored by Erickson and others, to exhibit the greater capability of the subconscious in deep trance states, was still only involving the upper subconscious, which is the tip of an iceberg with regard to the totality of the mind, as the vast majority resides in the deep subconscious and is unreachable to conscious awareness and requests of a hypnotist during a trance state to make something happen. Interestingly, the profound ability of the deep subconscious to multitask is one of the reasons that the strategies your channel has innovated to do Deep Subconscious Channeling and Trauma Resolution is so very powerful, because it enables Creator to carry out an interrogation of the deep subconscious and have it do many, many repetitive scans and iterations of procedures to resolve a large number of traumas, and to enumerate the many alterations and distortions of thinking that came about during the course of those events, and to recall directly negative limiting beliefs that were formed, and attributes of feelings and capabilities that were diminished or prevented from being expressed, so they could be restored. This is a tremendous feat of conscious involvement and effectiveness in carrying out a therapeutic intervention to help the person regain a state of happiness and functional capability, perhaps never before achieved, and could never be done via the conscious mind. This is another reason why we have told your channel that his discovery of this deep level of the subconscious, and creating a specific protocol involving Creator to carry out a therapeutic intervention, is so very powerful in facilitating meaningful change to remove personal roadblocks and inner conflict that limit happiness.