DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human PotentialIs this why a truly egalitarian philosophy and political system cannot possibly arise from emotionless rational thinking? Because there would be no motivation to engage in the rational thinking in the first place? And that all such resulting structures, are in actuality either a product of love or pride (or a mixture of both) but never a product of anything else because, without these emotion-based motivations, there would be no action to create any philosophies or politics in the first place?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
You are on the right track here, but we would say the contest is between "love and selfishness." Selfishness is a denial of love to others and in the end becomes a denial of love to the self through the workings of karma. So love being the answer, what is really of concern is how one gives and receives love in what they do and how they use their energy. To have a truly fair egalitarian framework for a society has implicit within an equal measure of love for all, at least in some respects if only through having equal rights to express their individual potential, which is quite different than guaranteeing an equal share of resources regardless of one’s individual standing and contributions. So here again is the tension between serving others versus the self, and who is to be raised up, and what will govern all the decision making in the allocation of resources and rewards. People naturally want to live in a loving world and a fair and just society meets those criteria through the dispensing of loving concern and loving consideration for the rights of the individual and the promotion of individual liberty because there is due regard for all, and an awareness that all have a standing, and all deserve to have the joys of their freedom to come and go and choose their path and thereby their own destiny.