DWQA QuestionsCategory: PrayerIs there still any baseline divine level protection provided for these extraterrestrials in support of their life plans? How realistic is an expectation that an ET Alliance member will even stick to their life plan, and how much planning is even attempted if there is little hope for divine help to keep it going?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
We will maintain an effort from our end of things through the higher selves and from Creator directly to remind the extraterrestrials at every opportunity there are other choices available to them, and that they need not always turn to the darkest choice before them. This usually fails at this point because the extraterrestrials are so far gone in their decline and degraded status, but we will not give up as long as humans do not give up. We are here to support you, after all. You were created to work on these very problems and, if possible, to win the day. You are the ace in the hole we are looking to in order to make this happen, as we cannot violate our own rules of engagement and force our desires on these dark beings even though they need it desperately, to save them from their own depravity. In one way or another, their decline was a series of choices they took or allowed to happen and accepted, and it has cost them dearly. In that sense, they are victims of their own ignorance and blindness to the truth of things. You see the same course of action taking place within the human culture with the decline in religious observance and the gains of the Secular Movement with many turning away from formal religion, or any kind of spirituality, thinking that it is all folklore and serves no real purpose and, in fact, might even be a danger because some people carry faith to extremes, even killing others of a differing faith in their zeal. We can tell you those bad examples are engineered to happen specifically to create this false notion and to tar religion with the broad brush of fundamentalist prejudice and extremism. That is never what the divine wishes to see by the faithful, but to have a light and loving touch and wanting to raise others up as well as the self, and not to put the self first at the expense of others to demean them, to disregard them, or destroy them—all such conduct is non‑divine. There are better ways, and that is what we support and propose for others. But it takes having an inner awareness this is so, to avoid the pitfalls of life to become discouraged, and to give in to manipulations and inner corruption which will, indeed, be attempted and more so, by the interlopers who see every human as a combatant who must be reckoned with and sidelined, and if not controllable will be killed. Make no mistake about it, you are in combat here. It is carried out in myriad ways all day long using many tools and strategies to constrain and limit you and to harm you, to diminish your reach and make your presence ineffectual. This largely succeeds except by those of principle who are in divine alignment and wanting divine help. Those individuals can be raised up enough and empowered enough to begin to make a difference, and that is what is needed now.