DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlIs the political left in America embracing the doctrine of Muslim anti-Semitism because the Extraterrestrial Alliance is imposing those beliefs with mind control manipulation?
Nicola Staff asked 4 months ago

Your intuition is serving you well here, as usual. This is more than a coincidence or just the commonality of an age-old conflict between religious ideologies and their adherence as a major factor in cultural beliefs and circumstances politically. Both the current climate with the war on Israel by Arab countries in the Middle East and the anti-Semitism of the Nazis wanting to exterminate the Jews as a perceived mortal danger and enemy to their ambitions, are right from the extraterrestrial playbook of divide and conquer. They have used this theme over and over and over again and thus, created a very deep karmic rooting within the minds and hearts of each generation of human beings, particularly when involved directly in the geographic areas where there is a bone of contention and a struggle for dominance. The ease with which college students on Ivy League campuses could be induced to turn out in droves and put their serious studies not only aside, but in jeopardy from an increasing preoccupation with the fate of a foreign land, to make that the focus of their thoughts and energies is a striking illustration of the power of mind control manipulation to motivate people to follow the leader instead of their inner instincts to do what is personally most important with their time. Anything that becomes a diversion to drain away energy and divert it for peripheral objectives will take a toll eventually, and begin to weaken those influenced to participate in political strife not of their making originally, but which they are drawn to through an insidious manipulation.

The clever subconscious programming will play on the heartstrings and sympathies promoting the plight of the downtrodden and waging a campaign of recruitment, so that those being influenced believe they have an important role to play and their participation in the contest will make a significant difference in outcomes for people in need. Because this is mind control manipulation, the message will be received and acted on whether true or not. Those who are more objective on the sidelines observing the behavior of these individuals, wonder at the sacrifice they are making for a demonstration that is unlikely to have any major impact on what is happening half a world away. Yet, it becomes a major preoccupation and an important cause personally for those being influenced. That is what is truly unnatural, the extent to which they and their lives are taken over to a significant degree and that will have a personal impact on their life progress. People cannot be in two places at once or think about two things at once and this is the essence of why the divide and conquer strategy is so successful, because it dissipates and degrades useful energies in funneling them into make-work projects that ultimately serve no one well.