DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial AgendaIs the book by Elana Freeland, Under An Ionized Sky: From Chemtrails to Space Fence Lockdown, accurate in depicting the sinister creation of an “infrastructure for full spectrum dominance of the planet, including all its life forms, using electromagnetism and nanotechnology for control and surveillance reaching all the way into our nervous systems via a geoengineered delivery system that includes our now-ionized atmosphere?”
Nicola Staff asked 5 years ago
This is a quite accurate summary of all that is happening, although not all the reasons for its implementation, it indeed is a vast network that is done via technology created by humans themselves. This does two things—it puts the work on the shoulders of the human, it also entices and enlists the human into the enterprise directly. This further undermines their sovereignty and makes them increasingly vulnerable as well. It has a further diabolical aspect in that by using humans as the instrument of their own destruction, they enter the zone of free will privilege we bestow on all humans to not interfere with their intentions. So this puts those who support this enterprise in direct opposition to the interests of humanity and its survival, but unlike the interlopers who do things directly to human beings, we lack power to countermand this in comparison. The interlopers may have free will, but they are intruding in your space. The humans live here and belong here, if they choose to do something harmful to one another, that is a karmic liability to be sure, but we cannot simply go in and undo it. That is why learning and growth and greater insight about the true peril of all that is happening in your world must come out—must come forward. That is the value of this work—it raises the alarm. You can reference this with confidence that it is a sound assessment of things although not perfect in every detail. So you understand all of the players, you understand all of the technologies, in a general sense, as well—the nanotechnology aspect being the implants distributed through the various vectors to be ingested by human and then subject to the electromagnetic emanations of this communication network for programming and control of the human beings on the planet.