DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human PotentialIs the act of Creating, by God or Source Creator, a kind of irresistible need for experience and expansion, and is this a difficult driving force for Creator/God to ignore?
Nicola Staff asked 5 years ago
This is stated in a rather negative fashion as though humanity was an itch that needed scratching. We see it as something far grander. It is the wondrousness of Creator’s reach on display in desiring a further expansion of Creator’s own capabilities. This is saying something, given our capability and power, that you are a creation that will extend it in a significant new way—that is no mean feat. It is not at all evident from the level of the life expression you enjoy as a human being. While it is miraculous in many ways, on many levels, it is still quite constrained and limited primarily by physical forces you are unable to surmount or manipulate directly. And so, you are held down and held back in many ways, much as a butterfly captured and held within a bottle—it is free to do what it wishes, but only within a small environment it cannot escape. It may dream of soaring to great heights but is unable to do so. That is the plight of human in the embryonic stage you are living at the moment. You will move far, far beyond that and will be using Creator-level powers to do so. This will be not only a revelation to you but will be a revelation to us in the further expansion that you will be creating independently of us. This will multiply our reach significantly and it, in a sense, is a freeing of us from ourselves and the preconceived constructs of which there are many, many that have resulted from our desires. In a sense, it is, on one level, a desire for novelty, but this is an oversimplification of the notion behind this decision. It is a profound change in things—a profound change in existence for us with profound implications for those participating among the human community. No sentient being has been bestowed with these attributes and potentials heretofore in the existence of the universe. So this is a grand undertaking far beyond the ability of human to comprehend. So there are many things we cannot share with you because they are outside your level of awareness and ability to understand. That is not a criticism, it is only sharing the truth of your future—that it will be beyond your imaginings and glorious in its possibilities.