DWQA QuestionsCategory: Healing ModalitiesIs Schisandra chinensis, recommended as a multi-organ treatment, an effective antiviral? Does it have a place as an addition or a superior replacement for something already on the list for our Antiviral Regimen?
Nicola Staff asked 3 months ago
This has some antiviral activity but, in addition, has a wide array of other physiologic effects in the body, so it would be, in a sense, like using a shotgun when that is not always needed. So we see this substance as something of value for general welfare and is best promoted in that context to guard against creating such an extensive and expensive list of supplements for viral maladies that it becomes too unwieldy. There is a virtue in economy and simplicity to not go too far. That will undermine confidence, and add complexity and confusion in the mix, and will discourage use of the regimen altogether because people will walk away if they cannot afford all of the ingredients when a subset would likely do the job, perhaps not quite as rapidly, but still, given enough time, would be effective.