DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolIs one limitation of the Soul Matrix Healing that, by being so comprehensive in reach, the intentions of the healer get spread too thin to perhaps reach the specific issues underlying the client’s chief complaint thoroughly. If so, would a Soul Matrix Healing request with a more specific focus, say restricting it to one important life dilemma, accomplish more? Is it better to restructure the request in the Lightworker Healing Protocol for a Soul Matrix Healing to make it a series of requests for at most several phenomena or issues each, instead of one huge list to be worked on all at once?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
This is an astute question to pursue but we can reassure you, you are overly concerned here. While the Soul Matrix Healing is quite complex, with so many layers and so many factors involved and times and places and individuals and consequences, it is fine to do as a single request listing the various parameters and variables as these are taken to be in effect separate requests as needed, to examine the issues involved and to be done one by one if need be, to achieve the desired result. This does not mean perfection will be attained for all things with a single Soul Matrix Healing request. The same issues prevail as just discussed about the Soul Reset because of the degree of impairment or misalignment. Some things may be so large as to be impractical to resolve entirely in one session. There may be a need to do work sequentially and over time, shift major foundational deficiency to make other dependent outcomes favorable that cannot be reversed or restored all at once. So this, in essence, is akin to the need to redo the Protocol work for very serious chronic persisting problems, to chip away at all of the needs that have piled up over time. So the problem is not one of having too many things included with the Soul Matrix Healing request but simply that there may be issues included of such a deep and profound nature it is not possible to resolve them with a single treatment. This is one example of many that could be stated. For other procedures as well, there may be benefits in doing a repeat Protocol session and that would be our recommendation, to repeat the entire Protocol at some interval rather than repeat only the Soul Matrix Healing by itself when there are client issues that persist. That way, each and every aspect of the Protocol can be considered and extended with healing to further the gains if needed. This the spirit team can sort out and focus on those portions most needing follow-up.