DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine GuidanceIs my gender-confused client at a reasonable point to pause the sessions for financial considerations? What can you tell the father, who wants to support his daughter’s happiness but can’t keep up weekly sessions?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
If you think about the impetus for starting this work, it was your sensitivity and caring and concern for your daughter, in seeing her confused and struggling with her feelings all was not right within her, that got this all going. That has been very fruitful because it has not only helped to clarify what is taking place but bring true help, in a healing sense, for inner doubts and fears. And also to show that her confusion about gender is not truly a deep irregularity or abnormality in her makeup that puts her at war with her own biologic makeup, but simply going through a learning phase when she is recalling prior traumas that made her feel non-feminine, or when she was experimenting with being an actual physical male and has naturally been recalling other life experiences and become confused in having some awareness in thinking like a boy at times, which is simply revisiting past life material, largely in the dream state but recalling it on awakening and then wondering who she might truly be inside because it is surprising to her and somewhat disconcerting. In today’s world, when the issue of transgenderism is talked about so freely in society and pervasive on the Internet as well as being discussed in the schools now, there are ample opportunities to cause a young person to become alarmed. Children are confused and uncertain about many, many things because they are simply immature, and they know the world is bigger and more complex than they can grasp and largely a mystery and must contend with that reality. If they have a loving parent to lean on, they will be able to weather that period of learning until they are up to speed—this takes years of course. If they have larger than normal inner doubts about themselves and their own security and self-worth for whatever reason, it increases the challenge of simply going with the flow and holding on and having a growing confidence through experience that they will come out okay, and then developmentally will be coping just fine and will grow strong and tall and leave many early struggles behind because they will have prevailed and found their path. The more people are sensitive as a young person and tend to take things too seriously and too much to heart, they will agonize more and be more vulnerable to overreact at times and to over-interpret what seems to be wrong and may well exaggerate the importance and the risk to them of something they see as a problem or a possible deficiency in their makeup. Those very sensitive souls are often possessed of greater intelligence, so it is not all a bad thing. The trick is to weather the storm of childhood and come out stronger in the bargain and gained more than one has lost through the trials and tribulations of finding one’s path. We think the latter will be a good description of what is in store for her, given her beginnings and the assistance even through these few sessions being brought to bear now. The worst fears for her are not at all justified, so we see no harm in pausing. There are always things that can be worked on; every person has karmic liabilities and debts to contend with. Growing up is hard, and especially for the highly sensitive and intuitive individuals, so any extra healing work done for their benefit is worth doing, so simply keep that in mind for a rainy day in the future. She can do well on her own with loving support given to her faithfully and lavishly without judgment, and you will see that she will make you proud and become a fine person in spite of the struggles she is having at the moment to fit in—it will pass.