DWQA QuestionsCategory: Transition (Crossing Over)Is my client’s sister now safely in the light after my doing a Spirit Rescue with the Lightworker Healing Protocol? Does she have any message for her brother?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
She is indeed enjoying a joyous reunion with other friends and family already preceding her in returning to the heavenly realm. She is thrilled to be the recipient of a wondrous gift of love from her brother, in particular, as in her life review, she saw again and again his many outreaches to her and his many attempts to raise her up, to help her bridge the gap when she could not see her dilemma clearly, and many times was unable to take advantage of his counsel. But many times it changed her thinking enough to prevent much worse outcomes from individual difficulties she had all along the way in her life. She wants you to know that you kept her going far longer than would otherwise have been the case. She was shown quite clearly that she would have died at a much younger age had it not been for your loving concern helping her again and again. This not only gave her encouragement but helped to reduce the impact of the negativity that was piling on to worsen things when she was unable to understand, let alone bring healing to bear to change things. While, in a sense, this created additional opportunities to suffer, this was a blessing in disguise because she has learned tremendously from all she has gone through and it will help her in ways you cannot see at this point. And your loving outreaches to her are part of that learning, and many times the most important part, because you were a perfect role model in the exercise of love in the face of adversity, and how that is the best answer always whenever something goes wrong. This has enabled her to have quite a treasure trove of personal experiences, and even though the love could not always penetrate the distancing she created to keep you at arm's length at times through her suffering, she now can read these events of your lives spent interacting with one another, much like a book, and sees with great clarity how your loving concern was like a key that fit the lock each and every time. Her failure to use that loving outreach to open the doors prolonged her suffering but did not prevent all the learning that was possible, so your efforts are not at all wasted but rather have left their mark, and that will stand for all of time as a resource she will treasure. And she wants you to know that all of the comments from your channel were echoing her thoughts and greatest wishes for you to be raised up, even in the face of your grief now, in knowing she is safe and in a joyous place of bliss and bountiful love far beyond the human experiencing. She is saying, "I will always treasure your guidance and fine example of finding a way to send love even in the face of disappointment from my seeming indifference and unwillingness to listen. Your love has raised me up and touched me in ways that will stand for all of time, for that is what love does, it is an act of divinity, and the truest measure of who you are as a soul being. We have been blessed to be with you and will be with you again. We help one another and now, thanks to you, I will be a much better helper for you and much less of a burden the next time we are together. My love for you is unending and I will be watching over you with love from now on."