DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaIs my client “X” showing more cognitive confusion because of a detox phenomenon rather than the healing not working?
Nicola Staff asked 4 months ago
This is very much the case and is a key insight that helps explain the rocky passage you have seen play out here for quite some time now. It is not that nothing is happening to help. You have seen her, in fact, bounce back from dire levels of diminishment, but the fact that things are not stable is, in fact, due to a buffeting about through the workings of karmic forces, and the detox phenomenon is a big player here because it will cause a rebound of old symptoms for a time, and this can happen in a series of waves over a long while given the depth of the difficulty this woman has had in her life, and all that has been damaged as a result of the toll taken on her body and her life from so many years of chronic illness and suffering. So this recapitulation of symptoms via cellular memory is part of the cleanout and mopping-up process in individuals with long-standing chronic viral-induced maladies. Things will get better in time, yet again.