DWQA QuestionsCategory: DisinformationIs it true that [name withheld] is designed to erase poverty and all its attendant ills from Earth, using a secret store of gold from Count St. Germain’s World Trust, during a transitional period preceding Ascension?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
This as well is disinformation. It is very appealing and has excited many lightworkers about the prospect of their coming liberation from having to make an honest living, so to speak, but this will not truly happen. There are, as you know, growing voices for humanitarian relief of the downtrodden, that in the modern world of this new century to have such a tremendous disparity in wealth is not only awkward and unseemly, but inhuman when those on the very bottom suffer so. It is one thing that all cannot have luxuries or even some modern conveniences that might be costly and out of their reach with no source of income for instance, but to have people living in squalor or even with no shelter, who have no access to health care or even an adequate diet to sustain life, and die young from being exposed to the elements, and whose children suffer a similar fate in the case of homeless families, this is a tragedy of major proportions and represents a large karmic debt owed by all who see this for what it is but turn a blind eye. The growing chorus of well-wishers who want to see something done will eventually arrange for there to be a minimum allotment to provide bare necessities at least. This will go a long way to repaying this debt which has accumulated over the millennia, but it will not be a magical store of gold earmarked for lightworkers from saintly origins.