DWQA QuestionsCategory: Risk to HumanityIs it safe to give vaccines to our children these days, in the United States?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
It is always difficult to answer categorically with a black or white answer to anything, because there are always nuances, shades of grey, exceptions, and many, many individual considerations with respect to the individual to be vaccinated—their vulnerabilities, their karmic predispositions, their genetic predispositions, the environment they reside within, all that may have happened to them leading up to the active vaccination itself that may increase vulnerability to adverse events that ensue, on and on it goes. So again we will do our best to strike a middle note here and give some of the pros and cons. We see the value of vaccination in the original intention to provide protection from communicable diseases. This is its forte. This is its overarching rationale to begin with and it is a sound one. You are in competition with microbes. This is well established scientifically and there is really no counter-argument that it is you or them. They are always seeking a foothold and may well find it within you or one of your children. The consequences of acquiring such infections later in life can be extremely dire and it is better to be protected than take the chance that happens. It is better for the child to not go through the so-called childhood diseases, which are just taken in stride as a witnessing adult not realizing the impact on their young can be quite severe, much more severe than is observable from the outside. There can be huge karmic re-awakenings from the experience of an illness that is in the category of childhood diseases. It is experienced as quite severe by the child and this will reawaken many, many past lifetime experiences of illness leading to death. This is what your child faces internally in the struggle within their subconscious mind whenever they are sick. It is not kids' stuff. It is a life and death struggle each and every time to that little being. So to prevent these with a single shot, makes good sense. The problem with the way vaccination is conducted these days is that there are so many antigens in the mix, it can be a great challenge for the body system to cope with the onslaught of these external stimuli given in rapid succession and combined into single injection material. This is overdone and unappreciated as to its consequence for the body and the being within. It is done in an excessive heavy-handed way. So that is the first criticism, not that the vaccines themselves do not have a place, but they do cause harm because of the excessive manner, the implementation at too early a stage, the loading up of too many antigens within one vaccination, the staging of the injections at too close a spacing in their interval and time course, and the increasing financial aspects of wanting to extend, and extend, and extend the number of things one might choose to vaccinate for. There is money to be made in this and the downsides are not as appreciated. So there is reason for the caution, there is reason for the concern and reason for the alarm. There could be a rethinking of this to have a more gentle approach and a more strict priority in the hierarchy. There are things that need not be done so very, very early. And there are ways to manage this within society as well. So there could be randomized implementation of vaccination programs so that among a population there is a less frequent vaccination schedule. But the various vaccines are randomized within the sequence so that in a given city the mix of babies being vaccinated will include a wide array of the sequences so that within a group of infants in a city, one third would be vaccinated against illness A, and one third against illness B, and one third against illness C, in their first round. In this way, the potential vectors for illness are greatly reduced but in a safer way keeping it in balance for the population overall. As science well knows and has established from the epidemiological research of the current vaccination and their outcomes, not 100% need be vaccinated to suppress, to a great extent, outbreak of communicable illness. There needs to be a preponderance. This could be spaced out more, is what we are saying. So there are clever ways and thoughtful ways to do this, if the mainstream could be brought to see this without suppression or manipulation. At the present time, this is orchestrated through mind control, so this will be a tough sell to change. The medical establishment is manipulated to offer the services in the way they are doing, often with adverse consequences, but they are blind to this, and will not change their views even in the face of data, and will use excuses like "Well this is for the greater good" not thinking more deeply that the greater good could be served in a safer way. And that blind spot is not there because of their lack of intelligence. It is blocked by mind control manipulation. So we are saying that all children are subjected to an unhealthy program of vaccination. It does serve in the way intended, but will take a toll on young lives. That is just what happens. The more serious reason for being skeptical of vaccinations is that there is an increasing implementation to introduce a manipulative mind control tool within the vaccines themselves, in the form of a kind of nanotechnology that some call microchips. And this is for purposes of instituting the initiation of a mind lock on the infants at a very early stage to make them manipulable. This is the most sinister of programs one could envision, to not only turn people into a kind of robotic slave, but from the earliest point in infancy, so that potentially humans being born will grow up not even realizing they are human in the way most people experience as free agents. This is the greatest danger in the vaccination program. It is not yet widespread but it is planned and has started to be implemented. We are not mincing our words here as you will appreciate in our being so forthright but there is no time to waste in waking people up. This is not just a question of fine points, how your child might learn math, or perhaps not so well, because that is being manipulated to make it more challenging and obscure the true value of mathematics. This is entering the arena of experiencing life and whenever there is something done that can disconnect humans from the flow of love and light, which not only is their birthright but animates their very existence as a living being, this is the most grievous and evil of intrusions. This is what people are starting to sense intuitively about vaccination. It is not the more prosaic things we have been describing earlier. It is an intuitive awareness that there is something truly alarming going on in manipulating the very young. They see this intuitively and recognize it because of their inner divinity and that is also encouraged by divine realm, not as mind control or mind manipulation but as information to be aware of and to acknowledge, so they are better informed. That is the key difference between what we do in supporting people and what the Cabal does in manipulating them.