DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious ChannelingIs it possible to do healing work via subconscious channeling on Anunnaki, Reptilian, or Arcturian extraterrestrials without their conscious awareness, or is that capability unique for humans because of the deep subconscious disconnect imposed by Anunnaki tinkering with the human genome long ago?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
You will be surprised to hear this, but the ability to channel the deep subconscious will in fact be possible for the Anunnaki as well as Reptilian and Arcturian extraterrestrials and that is why you thought of it. Otherwise, your intuition would have caused you to dismiss the notion out of hand. The reason this is possible is that the disconnect by the manipulation of the human genome was not purposely designed to create a disconnection of the deep subconscious, but in fact contributed to this, and was not planned or designed but simply happened in conjunction with other manipulations primarily directed to block the intuitive gateway. As you know, the spirits attack the same sensors and channels, and this is even more so for the subconscious connection because that is their playground. The deep subconscious is their domain. They control the dialogue and the experience of the host by intruding and projecting their thoughts and manipulations as well. They are more adept in closing off the ability to connect with deep subconscious than with the intuitive reach. Both are given attention, but the greatest proportion of the deficit, in addition to genetic susceptibility, is spirit manipulation to make the disconnection more severe than would otherwise be the case. As almost all people have had spirit possessions at one time or another, and because this is the first order of business for them when they attach, to degrade the interface, there will be a rapid diminution of perception of the deep subconscious and its workings, and almost always is the case that during childhood, spirit attackers make their way in and disconnect the deep subconscious almost completely from higher levels of the mind. This legacy then serves all who come along wishing to exploit the person. Because of the long-term subjugation of extraterrestrials by dark spirits, this has been done to them to the same or greater levels of impairment. So even though these beings are psychic and will be aware of an intrusion on their conscious level, they will not know if you are having a dialogue with the deep subconscious. This is not paradoxical because, as we have told you before, there are two gateways involved—one to the deep subconscious that is akin to an intuitive gateway because it can be accessed through nonlocal consciousness readily, but is not the true gateway of nonlocal consciousness to reach out beyond the person. That is a separate path and is also traversed by nonlocal consciousness, but to reach out beyond the individual, and that is the gateway for connecting to higher self and the higher realms beyond.