DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlIs he a targeted individual? Is it safe to tell him?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
It is safe to tell them this, as it will explain much about all that has happened. It is important for him to not feel this is his failure or his weakness in some respect that he has had so many struggles and so much suffering. It is also not appropriate to give in to fear, and we want to give him reassurance about this. What is happening is not only unfair but a violation of his sovereignty of the first magnitude. As such, it goes against the divine plan and will be reckoned with, ultimately, through the Law of Karma for all involved as perpetrators. In the meantime, we cannot intrude to sanction them directly. For the moment, they have free will privileges but that does not mean we cannot work to influence them indirectly, so that eventually they loosen their grip and turn their attention elsewhere. That is the best we can do under the current paradigm. But it is an important effort, because it can save him from future problems not only as bad as this, but possibly worse, and that, no one wants to see. We are being very frank here so it is clear what the rules of engagement are, but also to be clear that he is not alone. We will be helping all we can to work on this issue. In the meantime, we encourage him to have faith and trust in us. We are always beside him in all that happens, and we welcome his outreach to us at any time for anything he needs. We will not abandon him.