This can, indeed, be the cause of severe mental illness if there is a relentless assault designed to implant the right negative beliefs, this will push a person over the edge and destabilize them and becomes a trauma event with grave consequences. When the personal integrity is under threat and fear ramps up, there can be an over-reaction and misinterpretation as well, as to the origin of what is taking place. This may well lead to delusional thinking, as the mind will seek an explanation and look for a culprit, and may draw the wrong conclusion as to the source of the threat and fill in the blanks, so to speak, with a theory it embraces as reality. Then everything is in place for the person to receive a clinical diagnosis of a psychotic reaction, for example, or other major abnormality of thought and feeling. This is always worsened by the presence of spirit meddler attachments and it is the combination of the two that becomes so very deadly. The Extraterrestrial Alliance is not intending to create a state of madness, only a state of confusion or disorientation, to slow the person down, cause errors of judgment, make them inefficient or ineffective in a particular setting, to undermine them and to interfere with their life. That is the level in which they can operate.
What happens next is that there may be a significant worsening of things by the onboard spirit meddlers, who will see the effect of these negative messages and will pile on with a chorus of similar amplified negativity to keep it going relentlessly, and with ever increasing savagery. This is how they treat weakness in a person and will use every vulnerability to their advantage in causing suffering. When that becomes intolerable, the person will have some kind of breakdown or transition to a way of compensating that will interfere with their life. Because they will be closing down some functionality and it will have a consequence and must be dealt with, it will always be assumed to be mental illness per se but will be a misinterpretation of the real origin.
The involvement of extraterrestrial mind manipulation is a factor in approximately 10% of those with mental illness. That is still quite a large percentage and is a sobering statistic in thinking about how all are bombarded by extraterrestrial programming messages. So the effects will be felt and will have consequences, not always as dire as reaching the level of psychiatric illness, but there is certainly a spectrum of possible experiences, and even those falling short of meeting established clinical criteria for insanity will be suffering and will have disruption of their lives to varying extents without any true appreciation of the reason why.
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