DWQA QuestionsCategory: Channeling PitfallsIs channeler [name withheld] uncorrupted and a safe and reliable source of information?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
He, unfortunately, has become corrupted. He started off in good shape but over time became too confident and was not aware of the workings of evil and how they go about corrupting channelers and was not fastidious in his maintaining safety and divine oversight and protection. So unfortunately, he cannot be trusted nor his work because it will link to the interlopers now, and that is the fate of most channelers, that somewhere along the way they will be compromised and then the divine must withdraw because it cannot contribute to an enterprise now being orchestrated by the darkness. It is only when channelers become aware of the problem and reach out once again, starting from first principles in requesting true divine assistance and protection, that there is a chance we can renew an interaction and help to keep it going. It gets much harder once there has been an established relationship with an imposter because so much inner programming is done to discourage straying from their source that is trusted for the wrong reasons but will feel right because that is seen to and is part of the orchestration. After all, they can create love feelings through their technological means and this is a powerful sweetener that disarms any would-be channeler and will make them very easily manipulated.