DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaIs cellular memory actually the local deposition of cordings and thought forms? If so, how are they dealt with through the LHP and DSMR protocol? Can you give us a tutorial to flesh out deeper understanding?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
This is not the sum total of the consciousness of the cells of the body, but it is the largest source of difficulties and distortions, by far. So it is a major need for healing to address countless cordings and thought forms accumulating steadily over the course of the life. And this is being compounded, as you understand fully, with exchanges back and forth with those issues of the past, and also perpetrators who may continue to send energies. The akashic records and the ongoing program of the Law of Karma will never rest, but keep sending discord out to everyone as a reminder of unhealed business, much of which ends up in cellular memory as well as other levels of the mind. What is happening in the actions of the Law of Karma in sending reminders to each person of unfinished karmic discord that is their responsibility to work on, is that cordings are made to the individual's bodily energy. This is likely to impinge on one or more levels of the mind and quite commonly, cellular consciousness because it is the closest to the conscious awareness, and at least as a kind of alarm bell, has the greatest chance of being acted on quickly because cellular consciousness is on the firing line. Cordings will accumulate and each will deliver negative thought forms that are an energetic representation of the trauma underlying the need for the communication, and so will be negative and often conveying not only emotional pain but often physical pain as well. When there is a cording both to the cellular consciousness of the body and to the cellular consciousness of the brain, it will be easier for a person to make an intuitive connection to a bodily symptom and appreciate something is amiss. So if their symptom is not yet felt, that may do the job in completing delivery of the message and will also add an additional cording and thought form, from the cellular consciousness of the brain. The piling up of unwanted emotional distress and physical symptoms of all kinds from the innumerable cordings being launched from the past via the akashic records, as well as many people in the living who send forth cordings when there are troubled relationships and perhaps bad blood from disagreements, and so forth, will create a steadily accumulating body of work to do. And unfortunately, in most cases, people will not truly heal anything along the way but will only experience the consequences in having inner discord but not understanding the reasons why or having an effective way to lessen their suffering. And this is another perspective about why the healing burdens faced routinely are so massive. Some people are better able to cope with their dilemma than others. But even for those who seem to skate along during life, seemingly above the fray, in all likelihood what they are doing is blocking out awareness of all the inner discordant messages. And karma being karma, means there will be a future time when they become more vulnerable, if only in a future lifetime, and they will be hit by the accumulated negativity they managed to avoid when it catches up with them, and it might well be overwhelming. This is why healing is needed for everyone, whether they perceive their suffering or not.