This is a good insight by your compatriot appreciating that the creation of boredom on the part of human beings is very destructive and the whole spectrum of a dulling down, a loss of keen insight, interest, and passion for many things in life, and a retreat to a more passive second-hand involvement, such as focusing totally on entertainments and being a passive watcher of television without active intellectual pursuits, not only dulls the mind, but keeps the programming coming and inundates the viewers with a relentless manipulation at a subliminal level. This is very much designed to wall people in and minimize their reach through a dimming of the senses and the faculties. This is why people who are not even programmed specifically with some agendas can watch an egregious display of bizarre ideological-based conduct and yet be complacent even if they do not agree with the perspective on display. This is wholly unnatural, and it is a stifling and a diminishment of all who are influenced in this way, but yet, it is widespread and has been predicted for many years that this would be a means of control of the populace. It is happening now in earnest.
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