DWQA QuestionsCategory: Subconscious ChannelingIn what ways is channeling one’s deep subconscious different than channeling the higher self, or other beings in the divine realm?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago

As you have come to understand, the deep subconscious has tremendous reach and power for information gathering and connecting to the intuitive gateway to seek information based on an intention. This is the essence and operational utility of nonlocal consciousness, to go where one needs, to find something and input the basic understanding all of a piece, so it satisfies the need, at least in a first pass. That can be repeated again and again to add detail and further richness and texture for a depth of knowledge that might be desired about a given subject. The deep subconscious cannot regulate itself very effectively because it is not creative in the way of devising strategies and solutions to overcome problems, to think and plan ahead. It is primed to see danger as the highest priority and then novelty, other than provide a basic pattern matching information retrieval engine. So it can contribute to the creative enterprise engaged in by a person. But that is a very uncertain and spontaneous phenomenon and not a systematic goal-directed ongoing process, unless there is an executive-level request desiring this to happen, or a divine request that allows the divine realm, via the higher self, to help set up conditions for the coming together of knowledge that will bring a breakthrough in understanding something. And that might happen through a dream that is recalled, or a daydream, a moment of reverie, where a thought suddenly pops up that holds the key to a long-sought problem and may or may not be recognized as such in the moment, but if so, will be dramatic in triggering a follow-up ideally, at least. So these are the constraints you must work with in reaching out to the deep subconscious. It is not designed to run the show, so to speak, as a hidden aspect of the self that normally would be living your life rather than your conscious level currently. It is simply that this large interior resource is off limits and this has many consequences in keeping you in the dark most of the time about things you really do need to know, but do not.