DWQA QuestionsCategory: HealingIn what ways does this crosstalk among parallel lives complicate healing and is this another powerful and compelling reason to rely on Soul Matrix Healing?
Nicola Staff asked 7 years ago
As you often do, your questions contain the answer because you know in advance the direction things will go, having truly figured out the problem on your own or occasionally with a little impulsed help, and this you seek to have validated through bringing it out in a question. And this is quite fine because we are always happy to add our voice and give our stamp of approval, and in this case a hearty pat on the back to you for appreciating the implications here and the dynamic, because this will help you to teach more effectively than ever, the situation faced by humans in dealing with their challenging lives. The Soul Matrix work is truly the key to full and complete healing. This helps to guard against and prevent future perturbations that otherwise would aggravate a chronic situation and perhaps make it intolerable and push the client over the edge, so to speak, into a downward spiral of worsening physical and emotional health or even into suicide or taking some rash action to release the negative energy in some way and may harm themselves or others. This need not happen if healing is deployed in time. Dealing with future potentials is very much a major need, and the healing work being done, by and large, does not address this. Your Protocol is unique in this regard and will be a superb tool that all can use and obtain much greater healing benefit than other approaches which deal only with the present or perhaps look at past lifetime influences in addition. So you have a powerful and important inside track to further understanding of the origin of illness and infirmity. And this will be a tremendous advantage in promoting your work because, after all, it is designed to do more than other healing, and it has that potential within, but yet it must be embraced and implemented. So people need to learn about your Protocol and understand its value to take that leap of faith. Your diligence in working to understand the mechanisms will add greatly to the acceptance by the public, and eventually by the mainstream as well.